Nov 16, 2009 07:17
Well, I have been crackin' on my stories lately. I have writen about 3 chapters in the last two weeks in Fallen, when I don't usually make that sort of progress. I am really hoping to get the story at least written out all the way by the end of the year. I am on Chapter 25 now, and I think I will end up with 29 chapters as well as an epilogue. I am happy that things are going so well after I got past that climactic part of the story, and now it is pretty much spending the next 8 or so chapters winding down to the resolution and happy ending. I am grateful to my beta reader, who stepped up when Debs seemed to have gone missing. I hope that Debs is okay though. I know things are going through the grind for her, and she was really busy before everything. I am hoping that I could finish at about the time I am wanting to start the Harry Potter/Murder In Suburbia crossover, but it would be nice to have a month or two while I wait for Harry Potter books on CD to take time to try anf complete other stories that I have started.
All I Have To Do Is Dream- This is the Wizards of Waverly Place story that is about Alex trying to win Harper over through music. I have ten chapters so far, and I know where it is going to end up eventually, but I have set everything in the back burner in order to finish Fallen.
Cold- This one is a multi-fandom story with Ghost Whisperer, Cold Case, and Gothika together, and I have a good chunk of chapter 5 on my tape recorder, so I should be able to get a little further along on that story soon. I am still unsure about the mystery of that story, since I just saw an episode of NCIS that had a similar crime scene as the one I was going to describe for another character of my story, where it was set up to look like suicice, but there was a footprint left behind.
Where Are We Now?- This story is Law and Order: SVU, but set in an alternate setting, where the cast or most of them were on a TV show in the late eighties and early nineties. Casey and Olivia were together, but under the pressure of fame and the spotlight, they coudln't be together publically. Now, fifteen years later during a reunion show, they have the chance to make up for lost time.
I think those are my on-going stories that have been set aside for this one. I think I will give myself another deadline that will be pretty do-able. I wonder if I could finish at least two of these stories by IDF 2'10. All I Have To Do Is Dream looks like I could finish that one, since I am not expecting it to be more than maybe 17 chapters, and I am on chapter 11 now. Where Are We Now has potential, since once I get going on it, I usually can run with it for a while before getting stuck again. Cold is a little more difficult because it deals with three fandoms, has mysteries in them, and deals with the afterlife as well, so getting the story to fully connect together, as well as put in the femslash will be harder, so if I finish that one by IDF too, I would be greatly surprised.
Well, I better get back to watching the first Harry Potter movie so I can get into the second book on CD. That way I can start the crossover sooner. I am excited to start Ash's Hallows/New World War/The Calagnosity of Kate Ashurst, just like I was excited to start Fallen a year and a half ago when I was in the middle of writing all my other Utena, Birds of Prey, and Murder in Suburbia stories for the IDF deadline.
ash's hallows