Feb 02, 2010 15:08
So, LiveJournal here tells me that I haven't posted an entry here in a good thirty weeks. Now, it's not like I have a blogging schedule or anything, (which I obviously don't, seeing as my posts are sporadic and pointless), but I'd like to think that I'm going to post something before the little number reaches 52 weeks. I hope anyone who ever comes across this blog in the history of forever is at least a little bit entertained or feels some kind of compassion towards my daily life. I'm a complainer, but it's only because I want to do something different.
I've just completed my first semester of grade 12 and I'm going to be starting my last semester of high school tomorrow. On one hand, this is strikingly boring and I am not looking forward to it at all. On the other hand, I didn't realise the monumental significance of this statement until I wrote it down. It's only a few months more of stupid girls permanently dressed in nothing and even stupider boys who are permanently stoned. Maybe I can start a more normal life then. I just want to make sure I get something done in my life that changes the life of one person even slightly. I know that I can't achieve that in high school. I want to get out into the world and relax a little bit. I want to start a family one day. I just want everything (or at least something) to fall into place one day.
I'm a seventeen-year-old kid who is totally different from every other seventeen-year-old kid she's ever met. I'm not a total failure, but I'm not a joiner either. I'm a loner, but not a loser. I'm smart, but only as much as they quantify me to be. I've got limits placed on me by my society, but it's not like I'm going to start a revolution. I don't believe in mobs with torches screaming for justice. I believe in the power of each person to make another person understand what life is really about. I believe that a revolution can be led calmly and peacefully and I believe in the power of individuals to get things down without the help of others. If we all tried in our own specific ways, we could make a difference. Life is about helping people on a personal level. I'm not trying to start a movement. I just want to be me and I want that version of myself to be a good person.
Mostly, I've realised I want to be a writer. Wouldn't that be nice?
P.S. I just realised that this is my first post of my time in grade twelve. How odd!
P.P.S. I watched the sixth Harry Potter movie for the first time yesterday, and it was truly excellent! I think it was the best one yet and, as a hardcore fan of Chamber of Secrets, that's hard for me to decide! I loved it a lot. I could talk about it for a lot longer, but I think I'm just going to let it be this time without a huge review. I feel like the movie was really good and, even though there were some parts I would have omitted/added or changed, I think it was good enough as a movie that all of that doesn't even have to be said.
Also, I've recently been into Star Trek and Arrested Development a lot and I'm sad that I haven't updated this blog often enough to have talked about these two wonderful shows (and my passion for both of them) in enough detail. If I could sum it up: I love Spock and McCoy. Period. And I love all of Arrested Development. All of it.
star trek,
arrested development,
grade twelve,
harry potter,