"Thats all they really want, some fun, when the working day is done..."

Sep 10, 2006 18:57

So, all events of Friday night were made up...I went back to campus only to have somewhat of a breakdown which he called right in the middle of. Hearing that I was, um, slightly upset and really not happy about being on campus he came to pick me up so I could stay at his house. Its a good thing his grandparents like me :) He told them I didn't want to be on campus all alone and his grandma completely understood. They're so sweet.
I found out I passed the Food Manager's test so now I'm a food manager and can legally be left alone in Cameron Perks. Hehe, it also means a nice pay raise. Today was an excellent day- work went well except for me really wanting to kill John (I swear he's braindead...Army cannon fodder). I promised Cindy (one of our regulars) some sketches of a logo she could use for her store that she's opening up...I brought them to her and she almost started to cry. Everyone loved them. Almost made me cry, lol. I'm so excited for her, its something she's so passionate about and she's soo happy about this store. :)
I'm UBERLY excited about my birthday. My Trouble is coming to celebrate with me and she's making me CUPCAKES!!!!!!!!! ::Drools:: Her cupcakes are about the best tasting things in the entire world (wow, that sounds dirty...hehe). Plus, I know a certain something I'm getting this year....arrr too many days away!!!! Arrrrr. I promise to post pictures as soon as it happens ;)
Anyway, all is cured and happy again...off to cause trouble- gleefully so HEHE!!!
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