Dec 15, 2003 20:40
im almost close
last night i couldnt fall asleep bc i was getting stressed out about where to put all my shit over break bc i have to move out of my room before i leave...that was bad
but things seem to be ok...its falling into place
and i'm on top of studying...gotta do some more work for philo today before i can call it a day on the work
new jersey in just 2 days!
i'm so excited...weeehoo
but, i did find out that christmas day im going to PA with mom and pop to visit grandparents, then the next day to Ohio to visit other side g-parents....
thats gonna SUCK.
thismorning my car was towed :( i was parked in a 'weather conditional' lot...and it snowed. i didnt think of this
but i got it back after paying $75. stupid UNH. i'm so sick of this bullshit!!!!
im bringing so much car is going to be loaded down...filled to the gills, etc etc.