Last night I managed to get the first round of ENT conduit and the electrical boxes installed and in place in the perimeter walls of the porch. No wire pulls, but the routing is gentle enough that pulling 12/2 should be relatively hassle-free.
I still have to figure out routing for the interior lights. I was looking at it last night and I think I have a pretty good idea where to go, but there's still a bit of a narf from where the wiring comes through the basement wall into the porch and then back into the house wall cavity. I might actually do a separate hole for the lighting conduit since I think I can route it into the wall cavity much easier that way.
Incidentally, color codes for utilities from the
APWA listed below:
electric power lines, cables, conduit, and
lighting cablesOrange
telecommunication, alarm or signal lines, cables, or conduitYellownatural gas,
petroleum, or other
gaseous or
flammable materialGreen
sewers and
drain linesBluepotable
drinking waterViolet
reclaimed water,
irrigation, and
slurry linesPinktemporary
survey markings, unknown/unidentified facilitiesWhiteproposed excavation limits or route
Good to know.
Weird thing: the smurf tube is blue, as are the PVC electrical boxes.