Aug 22, 2005 15:38
-So, I was looking through all my old entries and I realized "Wow, I'm a funny kid" least I think so. I always make myself laugh, I crack myself in 1/2. Usually when I'm laughing no one else is..:/...unless I'm with Hal, then we're always laughing together.
-I'm making Macaroni right now, saweet, I'm excited for it. I always add too much milk, I love it like soup...that's the only way to go, forsure.
-My roomies are awesome. If you ever come visit me you'd better be nice to them. Laura, Lindsey and Chelsea....mmm k? Remember those names.
-So I really want to go backpacking through Europe, and I've found a backpacking buddy! But.... we are both saving up for it and paying for it ourselves, so, does anyone know of somewhere cheap, or somewhere that gives discounts to students? I was thinking maybe CMU might have something, like a program or something we could go through.
-I really want to get my hair re-dyed like how I used to have it, like the thick chunks and I've tried to get it re-dyed by 2 different people and neither of them do it right, it's such a waste of my money.
-Do you have to stir macaroni? I hope not, but I'll go back to the pot in a few minutes and if all the noodles are cooked to the bottom of the pan, then I guess I'll have my answer.
-Yesterday was my "Going Away" party. I forgot how funny family can be. I helped all my little cousins in a bug hunt (Oh yeah! Camp experiences coming in handy) But my team lost, one of my cousins caught a pissed off bee, I guess my squished daddy longleg and little red ants don't compete against the bee. :(
-Bobby impaled my dog with a bochi-ball...Snoopy was clearly sniffing one of the other balls that had already been thrown and Bobby decided it was the opportune moment to throw his ball and he hit Snoppy square in the head and then Snoopy ran around in circles crying with his tail between his legs...bastard.
-Damn, I guess you are supposed to stir macaroni..meh, whatever, it'll be alright.
-I got some SAWEET stuff for my dorm, I'm real excited to move it all in and stare at it all.
-Asia + lack of clothes ='s :( I have no clothes!!! I'm just going to wear the same pair of pants every single day next year...wont my roomies love me? :)
-mmmm macaroni.
-I love Ellen Degeneres
-I have come to the conclusion that pretty much the only reason I have this LJ is so that I can talk to myself...pretty much this whole entry is just thoughts that pop into my mind.
-I came to the conclusion I'm getting A.D.D medicine, I need it to be able to concentrate in my classes and studying and such.
Well...I'm gunna go watch Ellen...ttyl ya'll!!