Feb 23, 2010 19:26
Kame walked in to a small cluttered apartment, there were boxes upon boxes of tissues on the floor. He headed over to a large mishapen couch that was covered in the white Kleenex...but the tissues seemed to be...moving?
"AhhhhCHOOOO~!!" The man jumped when he heard the loud sneeze and saw the white fluff fly up in the air to reveal a red-nosed Bakanishi underneath.
"So that's where you've been." The younger chuckled as he watched his friend franticly try to hide his face behind tiny squares. Jin had always been one who wanted to keep his image of 'cool'.
"Yeah, I've been here, dying." Kame rolled his eyes before cleaning up some of the Kleenex off the floor in an attempt to straighten up a part of the clutter.
"Oh shush, I didn't take time off on my birthday, just to hear you whine about a cold." Jin's eyes grew in shock before he turned his head, a sense of shame came to him. He had forgotten all about his turtle's birthday, he had been engrossed in some new dramas all day and had even forgotten to call.
"...I'm sorry." Kame snorted with annoyance, before departing the room to get a trash bag. Jin sat silent, trying to think of something to do. What would make Kame happy on his birthday? There had to be something, but what? An idea popped into mind and he hurried up into his room, a triumphant grin in place.
Kame returned to the space he had last seen his Baka, but upon arrival. There was no Baka. He looked around for awhile and figured that the other had grown tired and went to bed.
'Figures, he would just go to sleep without telling me goodbye or at least happy birthday.' He noticed Jin's only blanket still on the couch and picked it up, stomping his feet slightly. His eyes widened in surprise when he turned the corner.
"Surprise~!!!!" All of KAT-TUN had assembled themselves in the apartment for his birthday!
'So Jin didn't forget...' He made a mental note to thank him later, but was torn from his thoughts when he saw Jin thrust a tissue ball at him.
"Open it up" Kame did as told and smiled when he saw a small plush turtle with a T-shirt that said 'I <3 U' on it. He pulled his boyfriend in for a big hug, losing his anger. Until...
"Oh, and I ran out of fresh tissue so I had to give you one that I used..." Jin watched as Kame dropped the tissue he was holding in disgust before turning to look at him.
"Bakanishi..." Tatsuya let out a small laugh before flashing a devilish grin at Jin.
"Run, man, run." And Jin did.
I'm sorry if there are errors, and that this is so short! I'm siiiiiiiiiick >.< *coughs* Stupid common cold...
For my readers: Sorry for not updating recently! ^^; I won't update until maybe this weekend. I don't want my writing to be as bad cause my head is congested. XD;; I had to update for TEH FANCY TURTLE'S BIRTHEN DAY!
Thankies for reading, comments make my purple dinosaur full! Feed him plz!