Merry, merry Christmas
rahelcsy! XD
15 Doctor Who (Nine, Donna, Ten)
10 The Big Bang Theory (Sheldon, Raj and a couple of appearances of Howard)
5 Lost (Faraday, Ben, Sawyer, Sun, Locke)
7 Old School!Hollywood (Dietrich, Bogart, Bacall, Bergman, Brando)
5 The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson (Animation/Gif Things)
All sharable.
Sorry you've been subjected to me just 'discovering' the Elephant font and the excessive amounts of negative space. I really have no clue with Lost which is why there's so little icons (as opposed to DW and BBT) and I'm now absolutely besotted with Craig Ferguson, so good job there :) It was a great joy to make icons for you!
Some of the gifs are quite large
and will take too long to load all together,
so I'm just going to direct link them,
and preview one of the shorter ones
to give you an idea of what the other 4 will be like:
NO. 1 NO. 2 NO. 3 NO. 5 please credit
zippogirl @
magicmachinecomments are like chocolate ice magic
textless are not bases
no hotlinking