Mar 19, 2005 17:35
its been to long i think as i run free. sun beatin down on my fur i look back at the darkness that no longer hunts me. you saved me. you love me for who i am. i jump up and down. i twirl in circles. i cant believe i have finally found happiness.
its been two months, 1 week, and 2 days with gage. last night was the military ball and i had a blast. i love him so much. he saved me in more ways then one. i thank the goddess and god every night for sending me someon that loves me and treats me so good. i am truely thankful for gage. anywaz everything else is okay i need a cig but besides that things are great. gage is coming over tomorrow and i think bree will to. skool is okay i am passin all my classes and all so yeah. my friends are okay. kayla is moving and mark is moving. so i am by myself. i cant wait till next skool year starts. why u ask cuz gage will be going to my skool. can u believ it we have 9 weeks of skool left i cant. summer is almost over with and i cant wait more time to spend with gage. no i highly doubt that cuz i get my lincens and i am gettin a summer job but whatever chanch i get i will be driving to gages house. well thats all for right now so later