SG-1 Drabbles

Jul 15, 2013 21:57

A couple more drabbles for the 100 Drabbles of Summer

Prompt: blueberry
Rating: G
Characters: Original Team
Summary: Things they'll miss; things they won't...

“Blueberry pie,” Jack said.

“Television,” added Teal’c.

“My lab.” Typical Carter.

And... “Libraries.” ...typical Daniel.

“Boysenberry pie.”

All three stared at Jack. Daniel asked with sharp exasperation, “This is our ‘We’re stranded so let’s bitch it all out at once’ session. And all of your regrets are pie related?”

Jack thought for a minute. “You’re right. Okay, then... carrot cake.”

The laughing groans were music to Jack’s ears. They were all scared that no rescue would be coming through the stargate that could still be seen smoking in the distance. But if they could laugh, there might be hope yet.

Keep You With Me
Prompt: starfish
Rating: PG
Characters: Sam, Janet, Cassie
Summary: Sixteen can be a tough age

“A tattoo?” Sam repeated slowly.

Janet sighed. “Yes. I swear it is Cassie’s mission these days to drive me crazy.”

Sam gave her friend a sympathetic look. “Well, she’s sixteen, Janet. It’s kind of her job description. But why a starfish?”

“You, Teal’c, Jack, Daniel, and Mom,” Cassie answered from where she stood in the doorway, counting the names off on her fingers. She offered an apologetic smile as she approached. “This way I can keep you guys with me wherever I go.”

“Oh, baby.” Janet’s irritation melted as the gangly teenager curled up on the couch between them. “Always.”

This entry was originally posted at

fic:sg-1, comm: charloft, char: samantha carter, rating: teen and up, char: janet fraiser, char: cassandra fraiser, char: team, cat: gen, rating: general audiences

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