Title: A Very Good Morning
Word Count: 159
Rating: Teen and Up
Original/Fandom: Reader's Choice (I wrote it with Stargate: SG-1 in mind, but basically anything long running with UST will work)
Characters/Pairings: Reader's Choice (I wrote it a with Stargate: SG-1 UST couple in mind, but there are no identifying names or genders, so have fun!)
Summary: The morning after
Notes: written for a
writerverse challenge: dialogue-only
A Very Good Morning
“Good morning.”
“Good morning.”
“So, we...”
“We really did.”
“It was... nice.”
“Well, maybe more than nice.”
“How much more?”
“God, like your ego needs more stroking!”
“Well, maybe not my ego, but I can think of another part of me that wouldn’t mind some stroking.”
“You’re insatiable.”
“We’re got nearly a decade of foreplay behind us. Oh, yeah, just like that. Ohhh...It’s going to take more than a night to satisfy me.”
“That’s really good to hear. Because I have, as you noted, almost 10 years of fantasies that I can’t wait to compare to reality.”
“Mmmmm... Like what?”
“Like... do you like it when I do this?”
“Oh god! Yeeees... Don’t. Stop.”
“Hey, I said, ‘don’t stop.’”
“Look at me. I promise you, now that I’ve got you, I will never stop. I love you.”
“I’ve always loved you. Now to get back to what we were doing...”
“Ahhhhh... you sentimental fool.”