Professor (Part II) (fic)

Sep 18, 2011 04:07

title professor (part ii)
fandom infinite
pairing myungsoo/you
rating pg-13
wordcount 2004
notes not edited, I'm aware that I tend to repeat the same words, leave me alone it's 4AM ;________;

Professor (Part II)

You approached the tiny cafe carefully. When you had checked your email earlier that morning you had been shocked to find a message from none other than Professor Kim Myungsoo. You were uneasy. You hadn't had any contact with him since the moment in his office, aside from showing up for class. You had been so stunned by his forwardness that you hadn't had a chance to think about what it had all meant. During class you couldn't help but let your eyes wander over to him, and more than once you had caught him looking at you. (Shamelessly staring at you, causing you to feel incredibly exposed and uncomfortable amidst your classmates.)

You entered the cafe and headed to the farthest table in the back, just like Myungsoo had said to do in his email. It worried you, how secluded it was. You laughed to yourself. A month ago you would have died for the chance to spend time alone with Myungsoo in the back of an empty cafe. Now you were just afraid someone would find out, or that he was just using you to fulfill some weird sexual fantasy, or was going to blackmail you - your mind had gone into overdrive.

Your thoughts were halted by the tinkling of a bell, alerting you to the fact that someone else had entered the cafe. You glanced up, your eyes hidden by your hair, and there was Myungsoo. Clad in a heavy winter jacket and a ridiculously oversized scarf, his cheeks flushed pink from the cold air, he spotted you and quickly made his way over. He sat directly across from you and you eyed him warily, trying to ignore the heavy beating of your heart. He folded his hands on the table in front of him and looked you straight in the eye.

"I think the adult thing to do is talk about this."

You blinked. "Talk about ... what ...?"

"Our almost having sex in my office last month."

It was one of those moments where if you had been drinking anything, you would have either spit it out or promptly choked to death on it. You didn't say anything. Frankly, you didn't really know what to say. It wasn't as if you had done anything wrong per se. He was the one that had practically seduced you, luring you into his office so he could ravish you like it was okay. Like it was no big deal.

Myungsoo tapped his fingers on the table (you had noticed it was a bit of a habit of his). He looked as if he was contemplating something. He kept looking at you, and you felt like he was staring through you, but at the same time seeing all of you. All of the jumbled thoughts bouncing around in your head.

When it had seemed he had come to a conclusion, he leaned forward, closer to you, and said, "I'm not that much older than you."

You gulped. And what, exactly, was that supposed to mean?

"The only reason this would even be deemed inappropriate is because I'm your teacher. It's not like you're illegal." He smiled, his eyes playful. "But you're forbidden, and I'm human. We always want what we can't have." He stood, and made his way around the table, sitting right next to you. He brushed your hair back and whispered into your ear, "And I really want you."

That was when you really lost it.

"You are so fucking annoying," you hissed. "What do you want? Make up your mind and stop screwing me around." You quickly stood and pushed by him, heading out into the snow-covered streets. Where you were going you didn't exactly know. All you knew was that the cool air felt like heaven against your hot face (it wasn't doing anything to help the tears stinging at your eyes). It wasn't even embarrassment at speaking the way you did to your teacher, it was the embarrassment of being sucked in by his hard, blunt exterior. This wasn't how relationships were supposed to work. This wasn't even a relationship. It could never go farther than it had, because he was the teacher, and you were the student.

It was a few blocks later before you heard him shouting your name. You set your gaze straight ahead, not slowing down (even though you really, really wanted to). When he did finally catch up to you, he grabbed you and spun you around, pulling you flush to his body and kissing you right there on the street corner. Despite the chilly air, you melted into his body like soft caramel, not even caring that people could see you.

Oh wait. People could see you.

You pulled away, attempting to catch your breath. You stared up at him, and your heart fluttered at the uncharacteristic softness in his eyes, and the way the small falling snowflakes would float down and catch on his eyelashes. You brushed them away with the tips of your fingers, and Myungsoo took your hands in his, holding them to his chest between the two of you.

"Hey," he said softly. "Let's try this again. Let's start over." He swallowed, looking unsure as to how to proceed. "Um. Okay. Yes I'm your teacher. Yes we'll get in a ton of trouble if anyone finds out. What happened in my office was irresponsible of us. It won't happen again." He shifted his weight from one foot to the other. Seeing him uncomfortable was somewhat amusing to you. "From now on, just this. Just ... meeting where no one will notice us. Not secret, just ... private." He rubbed circles over your hand with his thumb.

You bit your lip. This was a lot more like what you had in mind prior to the office incident. You sighed and glanced around. He was right. Nobody seemed to be paying them the slightest bit of attention.


Over the course of your next few dates, you really tried to get to know Myungsoo. You knew there was more to him than what he showed on the outside, and you wanted to dig down deep and learn all of his little quirks. So far you had learned a plethora of information, including his favorite color being black, out of all his facial features he liked his nose the best, and he secretly wanted to be a photographer but his parents had pushed him to go into sciences and teaching.

His hidden desire of photography had peaked your interest, and one evening after a stroll through the town he invited you over to his apartment to see some of his work. (When you called it that he had scoffed, and modestly protested that it was just a hobby now, nothing to get excited over.) His place was simple, and what it lacked in furniture it made up for in knick-knacks and artwork. There was a large bookshelf filled top to bottom with all kinds of different books: fiction, poetry, textbooks. Each bookend was unique, as if he had gathered them without worrying if they matched. He told you he had made them, and you raised your eyebrow.

"I had a phase."

You made your way along the walls of the apartment, admiring the plain black frames and the photos within them. Street vendors in the foggy mornings. A butterfly perched on a petal in a multicolored garden. A child clinging onto a rope as they swung over a lake at sunset. Each had a story.

"Did you take all of these?" you asked, in awe. You were seriously impressed. He scratched the back of his head.

"Yeah. I have more I just ran out of room."


The conversation died. The atmosphere in Myungsoo's home had gone from pleasant to uncomfortable fast. You circled around the couch and lowered yourself onto it, trying to at least seem like you weren't the most awkward person in the entire world. You folded your hands on your lap. "So."

"So." Myungsoo fiddled with his shirt buttons. "I'll go get ... water. Or something."

He returned with apple juice (and you couldn't help but think, apple juice, really?), and as he handed you your glass it slipped, falling to the floor with a loud clunk. Clearly (and luckily) the glass was sturdy. It didn't break, but the juice had splashed over the floor, and the two of you both bent down to pick up the glass. When you grabbed for the glass Myungsoo's hand interfered, got in the way, and you ended up tugging on his finger instead. You let go quickly, blushing slightly (you didn't know why, it wasn't as if you had never held his hand before). He chuckled at your shyness.

"You're so cute when you're nervous," he said, grinning. You thought he was a fine one to talk. He couldn't have been more obvious if he had been carrying around a sign that said >Hi, my name is Awkward! Throwing that to the wind, however, he leaned closer to you and pecked you on the lips. And then again. And then deeper.

And then before you knew it you were laying on the couch, Myungsoo above you, and you didn't really know how it had happened.

Not that you really cared. The only thing your brain had the capacity to concentrate on at that moment was how good his hands felt, sliding down your arms, slipping under your shirt, caressing your skin. It made your head dizzy, the way he could drive you absolutely mad with just the touch of his finger. You attempted to control the trembling of your hands by giving them something to do (besides clinging to Myungsoo's arms). You slowly began to undo each button of his thin shirt, marvelling at his skin and the smoothness of it, and how is body was neither lanky nor over-the-top muscular, but fit somewhere inbetween. The perfect balance.

You gasped when, with a snap he unclasped your bra, leaving it loose enough for him to slide his hand up and underneath, teasing you. You both stayed like that for a while, kissing, touching (so much touching). He finally pulled away, leaving you both panting to catch your breath. He re-buttoned his shirt, watching you with his dark desire-filled eyes, somewhat apologetic. You both were still somewhat caught up on the ethics of this relationship, what you considered out of bounds or not, even though you were both adults, both capable of making rational descions for yourselves. (Though part of you was aware that he was still straddling you, so you weren't really sure if you could coherently string a sentence together, let alone make a rational decision.)

Myungsoo left you on the couch to go grab paper towel (you had forgotten about the mess of juice on the floor), and you just layed there waiting for him to return. All you wanted to do was lay there and never leave and never go to class again. Just lay on the couch with him forever. Instead of going to class and learning chemistry, he could just teach it to you from home. Yeah, you knew you were being silly. But you were caught up in the moment.

You watched him clean the spill, and he glanced up at you, catching your gaze. "What are you thinking about?"

"You," you replied, and you didn't care how cliched or cheesy it sounded. He laughed at you.

"That was corny."

"Yeah well ... you're distracting. I can't think properly when you're ... looking at me."

He smirked, and then it looked as if something had dawned on him. "Speaking of me being distracting, and places where I may be distracting ..." he trailed off as he traipsed around his apartment, and you heard something about his class and your grades, but you weren't really paying attention until he dropped an enormous textbook onto your stomach.

"We're going to study." He beamed.

At least you wouldn't have to get off the couch.

omg I apologize for any spelling mistakes, like I said it's four in the morning but I really wanted to get this done today ;v;
I had some people ask for more of my last fic so this is what I was able to come up with~ it's it's longer too so I'm skdfjhaslf over it tbh.


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