HERE GOES. I had this elaborate post thought up in my head, I was gonna give you lots of wonderful back story and crap but I'm really too lazy so I will just go through the basics. MVs, debut stage, showing off their immense talent. some of my personal favorite videos. also it's really biased and so I'll apologize for that here (even though I'm really not sorry).
∞ They debuted on June 9th, 2010.
∞ There are seven members.
∞ They've promoted 6 songs so far (Come Back Again, She's Back, BTD, Nothing's Over, Can U Smile, Be Mine)
∞ They've had 3 variety shows (You Are My Oppa, Days of Infinite, Sesame Player)
Come Back Again MVShe's Back MVBTD MVNothing's Over MVBe Mine MV Debut StageBe Mine Comeback Stage You Are My Oppa ep 1Days of Infinite ep 1Sesame Player ep 1 Tell Me + Gee for the lulz
Before the Dawn practiceZE:A, Dalmatian, Infinite Dance BattleStar Dance BattleSecret ft. Infinite - Shy BoyTeenfinite HappinessTeenfinite dance battle ∞ MEMBERS
Kim Sunggyu (alternatively, Sungkyu)
He was born on April 28, 1989 so he's 22. He's Infinite's adorable squishy charismatic leader. He only just gets more attractive as Infinite reinvent themselves. Like seriously I don't know how he does it but he just gets better looking as time goes on. He's got one of the best voices in the group and gets a lot of lines in the songs.
InsomniaGoneBecause (live at 1st official fanmeet)One Late Night in 1994 Jang Dongwoo
Born November 22, 1990. He's 20 but he'll be 21 (obviously). He's one of the main rappers in the group, and I feel like he always gets stuck with the bad English lines in the raps (ex: the moon always stay there, I’ll always be here for you want you) but maybe it's just that he's such a goofball that it sounds funnier when he gets them. He's been nicknamed Kenyan (possibly because he looks kind of African? Idk. Apparently.). He tends to make odd faces, I find, especially on radio shows. HE ALSO HAS CROSSDRESSED MANY TIMES AND I REALLY HAVE NO IDEA WHY AND IT'S SO CONFUSING.
his charm point ...Infinite H - Crying (Dongwoo focus)pre-debut dancing Nam Woohyun
Born February 8, 1991 (age 20). He's the other main vocalist in the group. He and Sunggyu get like half the lines in all the songs. He's been nicknamed Namstar. Again, not really sure why. He likes to try aegyo.
TimeWoohyun ... as a girlpracticing martial arts Lee Howon (stage name: Hoya)
Born March 28, 1991 (age 20). The other rapper, and also the self-proclaimed dancing machine of the group. He taught the scorpion move to the rest of the members (though apparently it's not actually called that, apparently it's a b-boy move that was just nicknamed that ... lol).
getting all emotional on his birthday C:being a dance machineBe Mine fancam Lee Sungyeol
Born August 27, 1991 (age 19). He gets no lines. It's as simple as that. I don't know if it's that he's not as vocally strong as the others, but he might get a couple words per song and they're usually playback (save for Can U Smile). He's really tall, and he's a bit of a prankster. I recall him being referred to as an "elementary school kid." I never used to think he was attractive until I saw this one fancam and ever since then he's like my third bias ...
Sungyeol singing unfortunately I have no idea what it sounds like, and I've heard that it's bad, and I've also heard that it's sexy so I da na.
Infinite surprising Sungyeol with a bday cake and him just being generally adorable
short Sungyeol focused Bangkok City fancam Kim Myungsoo (stage name: L)
Born March 13, 1992 (age 19). Myungsoo gets a decent amount of lines in Infinite's song, despite his voice not being as stong as Woohyun's or Sunggyu's. It's also really unique; I've never heard another quite like his. He's also drop dead gorgeous. Like. Amazing eyes, hair, smile, face. He did some modelling pre-debut. I can't remember if he chose his stage name because of L from Death Note, but a lot of the fans I know have kind of jumped onto this "L is a murderer" bandwagon. Always making jokes that he's going to murder them, that he's a psycho killer, etc. It doesn't help that in most group shots/official shoots he doesn't smile at all and his this permanent :| face. It annoys me a little because at fansigns he's so dorky and adorable and smiles a lot and is just so amazingly beautiful and yeah. I know it's all in fun though~ He's acting in a Japanese drama about a serial killer (yeah.) in which he wears this horrid blond wig. It's such a bad wig. Oh and I also have a picture of him in a dress but I have no idea where it came from and why he did it.
BTD fancamcuts from his drama in which he wears a nurse outfit. and a wig over a wig.
Can U Smile fancam (sans him playing the guitar, but being qt nonetheless)
warming up with nunchucks like a badass Lee Sungjong
Born September 3, 1993 (age 17). Sungjong is ridiculous. He's a fabulous girl group dancer. That's what I need to talk about first. He dances them so well and puts so much energy into them it's mistaken for kkap but I really think that he's very passionate about them. His voice is very high, when singing you can definitely mistake him for a girl. He's really thin and very flamboyant and diva-like. He's talked about how he's been mistaken for a girl, been confessed to by boys, has showed off his "S-line," etc. He acts very girly but he has really come back with Be Mine looking so much more like a boy. He also does the choreo so well and looks so damn fine it's insane. In an interview, one of the members said (or maybe it was Sungjong himself) that said when they first debuted, the managers told Sungjong not to do things like girl group dances and it really upset him. The though of him being opressed and not being able to show off his true self makes me so sad, but he's been doing a lot of dancing lately so hopefully he's not upset about it anymore. He deserves all the happiness in the entire world for being so adorable. Sometimes I have to wonder how much of his diva-ness is him or him trying to keep up the image, since he's always talking about wanting to be more manly but it never happens ... (except now with Be Mine). Oh he also crossdresses (and he does it better than Dongwoo). He's currently on a show called Life or Death Situation 1% (where he gets creeped on by Go Youngwok).
Magic Girldancing Bad Girl Good GirlBangkok City fancamcovered in cakeBe Mine fancam ∞ POPULAR PAIRINGS (or alternatively, pairings I think are worth mentioning)
WoogyuMyungjong (Ljong) 2 3Myungyeol (Lyeol)AND MY PERSONAL OT3: MYUNGJONGYEOLand people also ship Yadong, and basically everyone/Sungjong lol