What in your life are you most dissatisfied with, and why? (T_M)

Mar 14, 2005 20:57

I don't know what really I'm most dissatisfied with.
Willow is fine.
My magick is fine.
My sexual status is fine, and no one insofar seems to have a problem.
I've gotten used to Sunnydale and it's supernatural quirks.
There's nothing we can really do now about Willow and her magick usage.

I know there has to be something that I'm dissatisfied with..
I know my magick is much weaker than Willow's, and my potential isn't fully reached as far as that goes, but I'm not sure if I want to reach my full potential, if it will have such drawbacks.

I'm dissatisfied with my stutter, that's for sure.
Every time I'm scared, upset, confused, hurt, worried, every time I blink..

Enough of this. My speech impediment dissatisfies me. Fair enough.

Tara Maclay
Words: Dunno
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