[Recipe] Gluten Free Dairy Free Awesome Chowder

Jan 03, 2015 19:37

Gluten Free Dairy Free Awesome Chowder
(serves 10 - 1.75 cup servings)

I had originally planned to make my potato bacon leek soup but as I was cooking I kept thinking to myself… I have all of these handfuls of veggies leftover in the fridge from other recipes and they need to get used up. As I cooked, I kept adding ingredients and AWESOME CHOWER was born!

* Note: I included weights because when I prepared this for the first time I measured most of the ingredients by weight as I went along in the experimentation process.

* Tip: You can eliminate the bacon/bacon fat to make this vegetarian. Just add a few dashes of liquid smoke + 1 -2 tsp Worcestershire sauce to 1 C mushroom, chopped. This will simulate a similar smoky and umami/“meaty” flavor.

12 slices of thick cut bacon, cooked crispy and chopped into 1 “ pieces (100 g)
rendered bacon fat (20 g)
3 large Leeks, raw, chopped (530 g)
1 medium onion, raw, chopped (120 g)
1-2 garlic cloves, raw, peeled, chopped (30 g)
3 large celery stalks, raw, chopped (220 g)
2 handfuls of baby carrots, raw, chopped (275 g)
2 huge handfuls kale, raw, de-ribbed, chopped (100 g)
12 small potatoes, red and yellow, raw, skin on, chopped into bite sized pieces (600 g)
1 C frozen corn, peas or any other frozen veggies you have to use up
¼ tsp low sodium salt
¼ tsp white pepper
1 TB McCormick Veggie Seasoning
1 TB parsley, dried
2 tsp red pepper chili flakes
3 C white wine & herb broth (College Inn)
4 C unsalted chicken stock
2 C almond/coconut milk blend

4 TB butter
1 TB bacon fat with crispy bits
5 TB Pamela’s GF Artisan Flour (Rue)

1. Cook bacon on medium-high heat (350 degrees) until crispy. (Meanwhile prepare first 3 veggies.) Set aside crispy bacon on paper towel; when dry chop into bite-sized pieces. Reserve bacon fat and little crumbly pieces in the fat for making rue later.
2. Heat large stock put on high medium-heat with 2 TB bacon fat (or EVOO) and sweat leeks, onion and garlic until onion is translucent. Stir occasionally. (About 15-20 minutes-you could be chopping the other veggies.)
3. Add celery, carrots, and Kale stirring frequently. Cook until they become fragrant. About 10 min.
4. Add in potatoes, corn, broth, stock, and spices. Stir and cover. Boil veggies until potatoes are toothsome (soft but still have some chew to them.) About 10-15 minutes.
5. Prepare rue in a small sauté pan. On Medium- High heat, melt butter and bacon fat with crispy bits. Stir in GF flour and continue to stir on medium heat until the rue combines and turns a light brown. (DO NOT BURN. GF flour does not get dark like wheat flour.) Remove from heat.
6. Ladle out 2-3 scoops of broth (it is totally OK to get some veggies in there with it) into your vitamix blender container. Start blend on low and work up to high. Allow to blend until steamy. Pour in non-dairy milk and add the rue you prepared. Allow to blend for 2-3 minutes or returns to steamy but thickened state.
7. Pour contents of vitamix contain back into the stockpot. Stir contents, cover, and cook on low until you are ready to eat. Maybe 10-15 minutes while you toss together a side salad.


PLEASE NOTE: While this chowder is incredibly rich in nutrients and low in calories per serving it is also very high in sodium due to the use of bacon and bacon fat. So if you substitute other healthier fat and protein options the sodium content can obviously come down with said modifications. Perhaps with the vegetarian options suggested, or with grilled chicken, etc..

cooking, recipe, whole foods, recipes, eating healthy

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