magickalmom wishes that some people would realize that NOT everyone is 100% "out" when it comes to their personal choices (lifestyle or otherwise) in regards to online networking like Facebook... BE AWARE when making wall posts, picture comments, and status update comments on your friends’ profiles. BE SURE they are “out”...before making a comment that could "out them" to their family, co-workers, etc... It's the considerate thing to do! PASS IT ON! Feel free to add this statement (or something similar) to your own online profile, if you choose to be alternative or you are an ally of those who live alternatively... feel free to speak up for those who can't speak for themselves!
wishes that some people would realize that NOT everyone is 100% "out" when it comes to their personal choices (lifestyle or otherwise) in regards to online networking like FB... BE AWARE when making wall posts, picture comments, and such on your friends’ profiles. BE SURE they are “out”...before making a comment that could "out them" to their family, co-workers, etc... It's the considerate thing to do! PASS IT ON!