gas crisis on Fort Campbell

Aug 31, 2005 23:19

Yup, the news got out this evening that gas prices on post were climbing up 0.40 per gallon at midnight so the mad dash for gas began early... not to mention it is a pay night on a holiday weekend for the soldiers! UGH! I waited 1 1/2 hours for my turn at the pump. WHY on earth when ppl know that there is a line a few miles long behind them do they feel the need to go INSIDE the shoppette to get cigarettes and pay for their gas?! FUCK pay at the damn pump like everyone else and then park and got inside for your stinking ciggies! UGH! Then there is like an entire family with 5 SUVs and trucks in line in front of me, all using the same credit card and everything... shoot have some decency to get in line separately so IF they run out of gas at least you have one vehicle with gas and someone else could get a chance at the pump. Hubby and I both went but at separate times so that at least others had a chance. No these people take all the gas that was freaking left in the tank and left me with one damn gallon... so I had to use midgrade to fill the tank the rest of the way. OYE!

Oh well, at least I got some. Now I have to cancel a bunch of plans so that we can save the gas we do have.... off post prices are climbing by the minute and I just can't afford this crap... I am walking to the gym from now on, it will give me cardio before I get there since it is 3 miles to the closest gym! LOL!

Have you heard that some counties in Florida have canceled their school bus service for the kids?! WTF is that!!! I don't even want to see what the deep south is paying in gas these days! HOLY COW!

money matters, fort campbell

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