Oh man... At school tonight I was falling asleep in class so I left and got myself a cup of coffee at the little booth downstairs. I specifically asked for decaf but I am fairly certain he gave me regular coffee.
Within 15 minutes of finishing my cup I started getting a bit of gas (the belching kind). So I took two gas X with Maalox. Within 20 minutes I was doubled over in pain like I have NEVER felt before. OMG, it was totally unbearable. I started crying and decided to skip my next class. Matter of fact my prof wanted to call an ambulance! Hubby actually ran up to the school so he cold drive me home. I am so glad we live 1 mile from my campus!
So I came home, drank copious amounts of water and spent then next 45 minutes farting like a mad woman! All that pain and it was just gas... I now know why gassy babies cry like crazy! I am NEVER having caffeine again! (Not like it was my choice in the first place!)