The student loans are often listed on the credit report twice. Once as you got them each semester, and once as a group, so sometimes it shows a false figure on that. Get a copy and check that out, they'll fix it.
I never knew... yeah I need to get my credit report and have that fixed... I check the federal website where it has all my student loans listed and I am under $39k (which is still a HUGE amount...OMG... I NEED A JOB ASAP!)
WOW... ok... I was getting really scared there for a second. LOL! No seriously, I didn't have that much until I graduated, then my loans started piling up quickly since I lost my Pell Grant. OUCH!
yeah that's a specialized degree for ya though. expensive.. it was like 30k for the year and then i got living expense loans cause there was NO WAY IN HELL you could work and go to school at the same time.
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Just kidding girl!
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