(no subject)

Apr 14, 2006 13:34

This is to Mark & Sandy who have helped me soooo much with getting this pcs rolling!

This is to Stacy who has been gathering boxes like a little Wal-Mart gopher!

And this is to Anita, who diligently begina a library database of all my pagan books for me. She did not get a chance to finish it before she left but damn, what she did finish certainly is making my moving inventory a whole lot more easy!

*hugs* to all of you!

And BTW--- to all you peeps here on LJ who have offered your support through my nervous breakdown concerning this PCS... thanks! Your words mean so much to me, even if they are a slap of reality and other not so nice sounding words. BAH!

moving, friends, pcs, thank you

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