It's been a million years since I've posted anything of actual substance, but here we go?
In no particular order:
1. So, I spent a week with
caffeine_highs. It was amazing, A++++++ would buy from again. We did lots of fun things which I am sure she will post about, and I can copy-pasta from her journal because I am lazy.
2. I started writing a LOT after she left. Like, a few thousand words the day after lot. Clearly she's ~inspired me. Let's ignore the fact that I'm mostly writing porn; it's less awkward that way.
3. I do have a job now. I may not have mentioned it. I'm working at Dunkin' Donuts, and strangely enough, I enjoy it. My co-workers are awesome, awesome people, and I get free coffee. However, this means that I don't have as much time for the internet, except when I manage to actually do. Which usually results in a lack of sleep or hygiene. I usually open, though, leaving me the afternoons free, but it means I'm to bed before 9 most nights.
4. I got my driving permit! Which means I can actually *learn*! I went out for my first hour today, and was a bit nervous, but Mom said I did really well, and aren't parents supposed to be terrified? I WIN.
5. Because of the job, caffeine intake has increased greatly. This accounts for much of my weirdness as of late.
6. I go back to GMC in like, three days. That's so weird to me right now.
7. This has been the best summer ever, really. I've met all my goals (Warped, Helen, job, permit), and had an amazing time. It's going to be sad to leave it behind.
8. I've been playing Pokémon games a lot recently, too. I missed them!
9. I really, really want to have something for kink_bingo, but idk if I'll be able to finish enough. I've got I think one finished, and one largely done, but that's totally not enough. Bahhhhh. Speed writing? As in "write like you're on"?
What song are you currently addicted to?
I've re-fallen in love with Panic!'s music, but I can't stop listening to VersaEmerge's album, Fixed at Zero. If I had to pick one song, I'd go with Your Own LoVE, I suppose. I'm bad at picking ONE song for anything.
What's your favourite season?
I always hate this question because I really do love each season for different reasons.
Spring: The weather's finally getting warm after a billionty years of snowy, New England winter, and you can finally open windows and take walks and sit outside.
Summer: Swimming, sitting around, lazing, no coats.
Fall: All those awesome things like scarves and hats and hoodies, and pretty leaves. Fall always makes me want to write, too. Probably conditioning from NaNoWriMo.
Winter: Snow! Hats, gloves, scarves, coats, the whole shebang!
What’s the latest movie you watched?
The Panic! at the Disco DVD with
caffeine_highs, lol. Live in Denver, I think it is?
What is the one skill you wish you had?
I'm stuck between saying something graphically artistic like drawing or painting and playing an instrument. I used to play the clarinet in middle school, but I stopped for almost six years now, and I wasn't all that great to start with. I'm a decent singer, but nothing special, but sometimes, listening to music makes me want to be able to omg, do THAT. And looking at art often makes me wish I could draw decently, but I either don't have the talent or simply lack the patience to learn.
What’s your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Yup, still bandom.
Though I took a detour back into Harry Potter for a short period of time.
What's your favourite musical instrument?
Ughhhhh, I don't know! /o\
Guitar? Because it can be acoustic or electric, and you can get so many different sounds and different types of music from it.
What is on your desk right now?
I don't have a desk?
We'll go with the things surrounding my bed, because I think that's comparable.
Knitting project, cold meds, incense, my cup of water, tea packets and Very British Postcards a la
caffeine_highs, coffee-flavored Nips (which are amazing, if you've never tried them, omg), my Gameboy Advance SP, my Pentax, my purse (spilled out), my laptop, a box of tissues.
What was the last thing you bought?
That wasn't food? I paid for three rolls of film to get developed.
If you won 10,000 bucks today, what would you do with it?
Stick it all in my account and let it grow. Use about $1350 to buy my iMac, possibly start paying off loans/old medical bills, and maybe buy some things I've been waiting to get some financial comfort before getting.
Favourite time of day?
Around 1 a.m. Seriously the best time for me to write.
What's the last thing that made you cry?
Hm. Freaking out about Getting Shit Done before
caffeine_highs got here? Wow, she's really hogging the spotlight in this post, isn't she?
Do you want to learn another language?
I still use some random Spanish, but I can't remember most of what I learned. I really want to learn Welsh, actually.
→ What's your favourite Disney movie?
I will totally be shunned for this because my favorite Disney movie is not animated, but is National Treasure. It would be my favorite movie ever if not for Independence Day, which I always forget about whenever I'm asked about my favorite movie.
All three of my favorite animated movies are not Disney: Anastasia, The Road to El Dorado, and The Prince of Egypt.
Though I did realize how much I love Beauty and the Beast when I saw it last summerish? XD