Jun 08, 2010 06:01
- 12:11 Now, the party don't start 'til I walk in. #
- 16:25 It's always irritating to discover that your birthday is just like every other day, only with cake. #
- 16:28 RT @geekgirldiva: New ‘Torchwood’ Series To Debut In U.S., John Barrowman Will Return on.mtv.com/aj85fH (but no Ianto! D=) #
- 20:04 There's about one day a year when I can draw decently. Today is apparently that day. #
- 00:02 And a nice glass of wine to finish off my day. =) #
- 03:30 In which I wrote several drabbles in several fando
ms (protip: scroll to the comments): magickaldreamer.livejournal.com/413707.html #
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