Tweets of the Day

Apr 23, 2010 06:01

  • 10:16 RT @TheNerdyBird: Crisis averted. For now. Sorta. Fox Blows Out the Torch on Torchwood #
  • 10:18 RT @tommcfly: This morning I seriously thought the world was about to end. Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Justin Beiber wasn't a TT! Madness!! #
  • 10:25 Amazing photos from Eyjafjallajokull, or "That Icelandic Volcano": #
  • 10:45 Using my last stamp to send out a job application! Putting all good-luck-wishes in the envelope, too. =) #
  • 11:41 - I pulled this out
    of my sandal. It was lodged in vertically almost all the way. #
  • 12:06 Wanted to give blood today, but I don't have an ID. D= #
  • 12:27 I've already got 4 items crossed off of today's 7-item to-do list! #
  • 13:18 - Alan Bean fourth man on the moon just got an honorary GMC fine arts doctorate. #
  • 13:19 He started off with 'fellow earthlings.' Love it. #
  • 14:31 - I'M SHAKING YOU GUYS! #
  • 14
    :33 Um, okay, so the shaking was actually blood-sugar-related. I think I'll run off to the Buttery real quick, lol. #
  • 15:01 In which I talk about impossible dreams, and how excited today's speaker at GMC made me: #
  • 18:02 RT @docsaico: Okay...what person in the production of making a porno thinks it's a good idea to add in music? That person should be killed. #
  • 18:04 .@NoelClarke I read that tag as "women beating mask-wearing tories" instead of "women-beating, mask-wearing tories" #PunctuationIsImportant #
  • 18:19 Ugh, scre
    w doing the responsible thing. That's what the weekend is for (kinda). I'm going to watch Goodbye, Farwell, and Amen tonight. #
  • 20:42 Every time I say "THIS is why I don't watch TV," I realize that I'm watching EVEN MORE TV. THIS is why... #
  • 20:44 M*A*S*H finale = Best. Finale. Ever. Nothing will ever top it. EVER. #
  • 20:58 RT @docsaico: #Bones is gonna try to move on and Booth won't be able to. He may date, he may have sex...but he'll always love Bones. #
  • 21:01 Lost track of time and almost didn't get the TV on in time for #Supernatural. Turned it on JUST IN TIME. #
  • <
    li>21:11 Dear SAGE, SHUT THE FUCK UP, THANKS. #
  • 21:33 NO! #Supernatural #
  • 21:57 ...No, THAT was the grossest thing I've ever seen. #Supernatural #
  • 22:00 Why are Thursday nights in SAGE all of a sudden party nights? I mean really. #
  • 22:04 Oh, and I loved how EVERYONE cleared out once it was 10. THANKS FOR MAKING #SUPERNATURAL ALMOST UN-WATCHABLE. #
  • 22:13 Why the fuck does it sound like people are lugging a fucking truck into SAGE? Jesus christ, what
    is going on? #
  • 22:15 Oh, right. Alumni. Fuck my life. #
  • 23:00 For some reason, I think all Thursdays are Fridays. Wishful thinking. Guess I'm just an optimist. #

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