A loaded gun complex. Cock it and pull it.

May 07, 2005 10:57

Ok so i kinda have this little crush on this one guy at school. "ben" is his code name. He's really nice and extremely funny. And one of the few times that we've talked, it was like an intellegent conversation. So I'm glad about that. And we seems more in my league of options. So, I'll just hang back and see what happens. p.s. he plays bass!

OMG ok so on Thursday, I'm coming to school. I get into town and i just got through the light when everyone in front of me starts slamming on their brakes. So I get mine on in time and everythings cool. I look in my rear view mirror and see this car coming so faast and i know they werent gunna stop. So all i could do was brace myself for the impact. And sure as hell they hit me, and then i ended up hitting the person in front of me. So i'm pissed, i get out, slam my car door and looked at me bumper. Its like bent down and cracked on both sides. So im even more pissed off. But all i did was tell her " pull off over there"( the bank exit lot) so we did. She seemed really sorry so i didnt blow up. I got a cop over and he gotthe story and our info. When he was done with mine he said that i could go. so i justt went to school and everyone was asking about it cuz of where it happened like everyone saw it. So later in the day, i hear that she told someone " if she ever talks to me like that again I'll kick her ass" which came as a shock to me cuz first of all i maybe said one thing that could have offended her and second, i love to see what would happen if she layed a FINGER on me. So i was pretty pissed at that. So my dad took a look at it and decided not to get it fixed. Him Casey and Dan lifted it up back into place so its not that bad. Even though i didnt say anything mean to her, i kinda wish i would have, cuz i still dont know what the fuck she was doing to make her not see that cars where stopping in front of her. Retarded! But yeah, it doesnt matter.

I'm excited about tonight. Michelle Eden and I are gunna hang out after dinner, i can't wait. And i get to see Aidan! yay!

Im nude under me bath rode, i need to go get dressed. now.
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