Mar 06, 2005 20:44
So, i was driving the otehr day and i saw these legs coming outta a snow bank and my heart stopped cuz they look VERY real.
Friday night picked up Amanda and Ryan to go to the school play. Stopped at Anne's for a brownie, then headed off.
Play was awesome, funny, cleverly witty, classic " who did it" comedy-myserty. Everyone was awesome, the three flapper girls, Drew rolling around in fright of the next thing coming in the door, Kaitin's creepy rendition of the gingerbread lady, Leslie's hilarious portral of Lizzie Borden, Alex's killer cape removal complete with insanly funny twirl, Vicki's hilarous( i mean, it was freaking funny, i was dying) male trucker turned female cop character, and everyone else. Definitly worth my money and I would go see it again. Awesome job everyone.
P.s. Don't let your friend borrow the car keys at intermission and trust them to lock to car, cuz all they will do is lock your keys in the car, and there by making you wait an hour for AAA to come at help, yeah, its not a good idea, especially when its like 10 degrees outside and your damn coat is in the car. End of story
Went thrift shopping with Ryan on Sat. Got a pair of old VANS for only $3! AWESOME! Ryan found her prom dress for only 5 dollars, its realy beautiful too. Came home, baby sat the children next door, waited for Eden to get off work so she could come over and hang. Went home, got a craving for a jones, went to speedy Q, came home, watched IT and went to bed
Woken up by Dad, got some stuff down around the house so i could go to lakeside. Got ready, picked Eden up, went to lakeside.
Got there, realized i forgot the bra i can there to return. im an idiot. Wwent to Torrid and got a pair of jeans and a keychain thing. Went to hottopic and got a The Used tee and a braclet an necklace. Headed home, stopped at BK first, whopper with bacon and cheese = awesome. Got home blah blah blah blah blah
cleaned the car, did some laundry, at home now, read to go to bed.