Everyday this place just seems less and less like home. This place i grew up in doesn't fell like my home. I just eat/sleep/ keep my shit here, I don't even "live" there anymore. I don't even feel comfortable here, like strangers house, or a creepy hotel. And now since my "home" was the only place I felt safe and security, nothing feels safe, its
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this is what she did this weekend.
she IMed me.. and everytime she does.. its only to tell me about matt.
or some guy she gave head too.. or how fucked up she got.
what a fucking dyke.
i'm so sick of her.
oh and i asked her "your hangin out with katrina now"
and shes like.. yeah. because i wanted her to meet richie.
i was like.. riight. i guess she made out with matt
for like an hour on katrina's couch. what a whore!
dude.. i hate her. lol.
she thinks the person she likes actually likes her back!
i honestly really do need to drop her as a friend. shes only
causing problems.. and using me for anything.
and i guess if i drop her, then i gotta work with tyler myself.
if i even ever see him or talk to him.. again :/
i even hate her..
how was i friendly?
i barely talked to either of you.
i was laughing @ eric.
and what.. like u never talk
shit about her, then be all buddy
with her? and what the hell. that aint
even the point. i wasn't even being all
friendly with her. you know what..
whatever. if your gonna be like this.
then have a good fucking day! and enjoy
your thursday hanging out with michelle
because i don't think i should come. bye!
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