★ Current Hunts Board ★New hunt added, kupo!
[Screened to Clan Centurio (Luffy, Zack, Kovu, Zidane) and anyone interested in the "Beasts in the Streets" hunt]
Sorry it took me so long to get the details up, kupo! These journals add a whole new dimension to the hunting business, and I'm still getting the hang of it, I'm afraid, kupo.
The gist of the hunt is this: I'd like to know more about the Lumens roaming around town, kupo. Any kind of information will help, and the more, the better, even if it doesn't seem important at the time. At the very least, I'd like to come back with their elemental alignment (which I suspect is Holy, but it could be something else or not at all), most common subspecies, and general temperment, kupo.
On a trickier note, I'd also like to find out what's in their bite, but I'll understand completely if we don't manage that on this trip, kupo.
So, information's is all I'm after right now, kupo. How you go about getting it, I'll leave up to you, kupo.
This being a larger operation, I'll also be working on it personally. (If anyone wants to come with me, I'd welcome the company, kupo!)