Day 01 - Your favorite song Day 02 - Your favorite movie Day 03 - Your favorite television program Day 04 - Your favorite book Day 05 - Your favorite quote Day 06 - Whatever tickles your fancy
Whatever tickles my fancy? Gosh, I don't know. I've had a really relaxed day today. I cooked a big roast beef with all the trimmings for the three of us; roast beef, yorkshire puddings, roast potatoes, mashed potatoes, carrots, broccoli, parsnip and followed by a pineapple upside down cake.
I'm more of a savoury cook than a sweet. But then I don't have much of a sweet tooth, so that makes a lot of sense.
I do like cooking. It's not something I feel I particularly excel at but neither do I have any (or, many) complete disasters either. I enjoy cooking from scratch, like today. But there are other days when I only have time to grab something out of a freezer, which I don't particularly like doing, especially when feeding Master & Mistress. It doesn't seem quite right, somehow.
One of my favourite websites is the BBC Good Food website. I'm always browsing it, finding ideas for things to cook and my binder, oh so full of such delicious treats.
I'm making myself hungry now though, so I think I may have to whip myself up a snack of some description!
Day 07 - A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 - A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 - A photo you took
Day 10 - A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 - A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 - Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 - A fictional book
Day 14 - A non-fictional book
Day 15 - A fanfic
Day 16 - A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 - An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 - Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 - A talent of yours
Day 20 - A hobby of yours
Day 21 - A recipe
Day 22 - A website
Day 23 - A YouTube video
Day 24 - Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 - Your day, in great detail
Day 26 - Your week, in great detail
Day 27 - This month, in great detail
Day 28 - This year, in great detail
Day 29 - Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 - Whatever tickles your fancy