Mar 16, 2007 13:18
This was written on the inside of Mary's funeral's card thing:
"God saw she was getting tired,
And a cure was not to be.
So He put His arms around her,
and whispered come with me.
With tearful eyes we watched her suffer,
And saw her fade away.
Although we loved her dearly,
We could not make her stay.
A golden heart stopped beating,
Hard working hands to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us
He only takes the best."
It made me cry... more. I was a frickin basket case. But I guess it was for the best, since I really haven't let myself cry yet.
He wasn't there. Although the rest of his side of the family was. My Uncle John hurt me so much... he never made eye contact with me... He never acknowledged my presence... He walked right past me without saying a word. Now that I look back on it, I realize that I could have said hi to him, but it didn't occur to me then... But he's the uncle that I was closest to on that side... I grew up with him. And now I'm non-existent to him, too.
My other uncle apparently has a spot on his lung that could be cancer, my grandma thinks she's dying, and chances are that she is, my grandpa should've died multiple times, my other grandpa should've died a year ago, and now Jordan's suicidal.
I'm so fucking tired of death.