My room mate is a fucking spoiled brat.

Feb 18, 2006 11:13

So, the standard died today and we can't drive it for the rest of the weekend. Do you know what he does? He has a fucking temper tantrum because "How am I going to get anywhere for the rest of the weekend" He literally like threw something and made this big huge noise. LIKE WHAT THE FUCK. I wish that was my fucking biggest problem you spoiled jerk. SOME PEOPLE DON'T EVEN HAVE A CAR YOU DUMBASS. This is coming from a guy who had no plans for tonight. Meanwhile I have to cancel mine that I've already made. How can someone possibly that selfish?
I have to worry about having enough money to see my sisters in the next two years, but GOD FUCKING FORBID THAT YOU DON'T HAVE A CAR FOR ONE NIGHT.
You have a fucking ride to and from work because you know your parents wouldn't make you take the bus. Meanwhile my mom and I have to walk to our class. I fucking HATE people like you and I wish I didn't have to see you everyday. I guess I never saw it before because I didn't live with you on a day to day basis. You know, it's not even that you're spoiled, I'm sure lots of kids are babied by their parents, but you are A BRAT. You are never willing to sacrafice any part of yourself for other people. And if you do, you can never just do it, you have to make a big fucking deal about it just like my dad. If I can't live with him why should I live with you? You know what, just because your parents lives revolve around you and making sure that you never have to go through anything hard, doesn't mean that the rest of the world does. And you are going to go through a big fucking shockwhen you hit university.
I think it's really sad that these are going to be my last memories of you before we go. You always say you want to be a real man?, well stop crying like a little baby when you don't get your way.
I need to move out of here I can't stand it anymore.
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