(no subject)

Nov 11, 2004 19:29

so I was online at my ISP's page the other day. I noticed their rates had gone down. I also noticed they're offering 3Mb DSL service for less then I was previously paying for 1.54Mb. so I told em today to speed me up. that was at 10 AM or so I think. I got home and when I was making dinner I played back a message. I was a little surprised when I got an email at work from the ISP saying it'd be done tomorrow sometime

The message was the phone company at 11:30 AM saying the speed upgrade was done. that's right kiddies less then 2 hours from the time I'd called I'd more then doubled my internet speed (of course I had to reset the modem). so I did some speed tests at CNET to make sure.

here are the results:
28.8 Kbps Dial-up 28.8k poor bastards
33.6 Kbps Dial-up 33.6k not quite as bad as the last batch of freakign loosers
53.3 Kbps Dial-up 56k I still hate it
384.0 Kbps DSL/Cable 384k Qwest standard DSL (they garuntee less)
768.0 Kbps DSL/Cable 768k Verizon Standard DSL (also they garuntee less)
1500.0 Kbps Cable/DSL 1.5Mbps damned fast I was actually between here and the last one before. comcast is ususlly here
1544.0 Kbps Full T1 1.544Mbps a typical Corporate connection costing several hundred dollars and garunteed bandwidth the whole way
2023.8 Kbps - Me 2023.8 kbps Me that's right ME. and damn I swear it's fast typical downloads take 1/2 the time
3000.0 Kbps N x T1 3.0Mbps Bandwidth.com this is like having 2 very expensive connections tied together (I have this at work kind of it never seems this fast)
6000.0 Kbps T3 6.0Mbps
15000.0 Kbps T3 15Mbps Soon to be the connection at work. cause well it's cheaper then the other way and damn it's fast
30000.0 Kbps T3 30Mbps
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