So... how are things? Thats good. Oh me? Eh, well things have been better, but that's a typical answer huh?
I saw The Decemberists in the Eh-Tee-El with Megan and Stiribles-n-Bits last night and I submit that they were pretty fuckin' rockin' indeed. See, they rocked so hard they knocked the 'g's clear off my words! I don't get to go home this weekend because dirt bags wouldn't take my shift. Also I wont be going home next weekend to see Mr. Folds, they sold out =( However he's gonna be at the Tabernacle in November. So....
Have you guys seen The Shining? I haven't but somehow I think that
this isn't quite what Stanley had in mind
Also, did you know that West Side story was originaly about the filthy, filthy
Both those movies brought to you care of Dinosaur Comics. ryan North is my daddy (the list is ever growing) he comited an entire interview to talking about the subtlties of punctuation ( !? is very different from ?!, or so he claims. I am inclined to agree)
So, quick question. Do I entertain you people. That's really most of the reason I write in this thing, aside from my whine sessions(I try to keep them to a minimum) i like to pretend that you out there in reader land (what?) read my rantings, and maybe occasionaly chuckle. So if you are reading this leave a comment, even if you don't say anything, so I know who actually looks at this and who doesn't pay enough attention to make it to the bottom of a post. (My feelings don't get hurt, tell me I'm boring)
PS you have to 'right click - save as' those links up there, they don't open otherwise. They're small QuickTime movies.