(no subject)

Mar 02, 2011 03:25

Player Information
Name: Mellie
Personal Journal: mellie
Contact Info: AIM: Mellipso
Other Characters: None

Character Information
Name: Rapunzel
Source Canon: Disney’s Tangled
Age: 18
Role In Canon: Main Character
History: There once grew a kingdom ruled by a beloved king and a queen. The queen was about to have a baby. But the queen was sick. Time was running short, and people started looking for a miracle: A magic, golden flower that had the power to heal the sick and injured. A greedy woman tried to horde it for herself, but one night, the townspeople found it.

They brought it back to the palace and the queen was healed. A beautiful baby girl was born, with golden hair. A flying lantern was launched into the sky. And for that moment, everything was perfect. But that moment didn’t last long. The greedy woman, Mother Gothel, found the child. She tried to steal a lock of hair; once cut, the hair lost all healing properties. Determined not to age, Mother Gothel kidnapped Rapunzel away to a hidden away tower.

Rapunzel grew up thinking Mother Gothel was her only parent. Still, Rapunzel was happy in her tower. She was told there were bad people out there that would want to keep her for themselves. Her mother was really quite kind, protecting her like that.

She found immense joy in watching the lights, making sure to watch them every year on her birthday. She strongly believes they are made for her. She longs to be able to see them in person.

Years pass. Rapunzel continues to leave a blessed and sheltered life. Mother Gothel leaves and returns frequently, bringing back trinkets, paint, and food. Rapunzel fills her days with singing, cleaning, painting, candle making, paper mache, chess, stretching, ballet, reading, you know. Everything you can do in a tower without ever leaving.

The day before her eighteenth birthday, Rapunzel decides that she wants to see the lights. She feels like she’s old enough and hopes to see them. Mother Gothel denies her request. The same day, Flynn Rider sneaks up in to her tower in hopes of refuge. She takes her frying pan to his head and locks him in a closet. After her mother once again tells her she cannot go and see the lights, Rapunzel asks for paints she knows are far away.

She then ties Flynn up and demands he takes her to see the lanterns. I’ll be taking her from when she’s sliding down her hair. Instead of landing on the ground with Flynn, she’ll end up in the gardens.

Personality: Naïve and innocent, Rapunzel has spent most of her life locked up in a tower. She dreams of seeing the world, but she’s content with what she’s had. Her mother has painted a dark and dangerous view of the outside world and she’s a little fearful. She’s never experienced it, so she takes what her mother says at face value: people are greedy, cruel, and only want her for her hair.

Still, she’s very kind, seeing the good in everyone. She places a lot of blind trust in people. She has only spent time with her mother and Pascal, so she has very limited experience with the world outside her tower. Even if her mother tells her horror stories of people outside of the tower, she’s hesitant to paint anyone in a dark light.

To a degree, she is also an independent person. Her mother is often gone for long periods of time, so she has to find things to do to keep herself occupied. She has a chameleon friend she often plays with. She does a lot of craft projects- Mother Gothel has given her large supplies of sewing materials, paints, and other tools. She has a large selection of books to read. She’s resourceful and creative, having painted most of her room. She’s even made star charts on the ceiling.

Even though she is hesitant and a little fearful about getting out into the world, she’s excited about it. She can see it from her room, but she’s never experienced it. She’s growing up and wants to know about life outside of her tower. Especially to see the lights. She wants to discover their meaning and holds this wish very close to her heart.

She’s clever, playful, and spirited. And while her mother has put it in her head that she’s not quite world ready, she still yearns to get out into the world. She sets her heart on it. And when she’s very enthusiastic about things, she can become downright determined. She has a fire inside of her and she stands up for what she wants and believes in.

Her relationship with her mother is complex. She cares for her mother very deeply, but she doesn’t like being locked away in her tower. She knows her mother is only trying to protect her. However, she doesn’t want to give up on her dreams. So she lies to her mother to accomplish her dream.

Even when she thinks people would only hurt her, she’s still a pretty upbeat person. She finds joy in many things, persevering even when things get tough. She doesn’t let many things get her down for long. If she wants it badly enough, she’ll work for it.

Abilities: Magic hair that glows when she sings. It can also heal wounds, reverse the aging process, and cure the sick. She’s learned to control it like a whip and it’s strong enough to pull a person up a tower.

Hello? Flynn? Are you there? You didn’t leave me behind already, did you? You aren’t going to be able to find the crown without my help.

[She stands there, smug, before her face falls. She looks around nervously, playing with a strand of hair.] Flynn?

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