The End of 365days.

Mar 15, 2009 11:04

So, although this photo project is called 365days, for my year I actually had to do 366 day as I started weeks before the leap year last year.  To get a full year I had to take one more picture.
SO...I give you
Day 360 - We celebrated Josh's grandparents 65th wedding anniversary today.  It was really nice :).  We had the lights out and were ready to fall asleep at Josh's dads place when I realized I still needed to take a shot.  

Day 361 - Home again....and ready to be done this photo project like woh!!!  I bought new purple sheets though :).

Day 362 - Upsidedown......face.  I wrote a whole essay today.  Bet it's quality work.

Day 363 - Waking up for classes after having a week off is simply not very fun.

Day 364 - Josh and I walked home from a friends birthday party via the canal.  It is pretty slushy and not so hot this year.  We did not even skate on it once.

Day 365 - This shirt is how we started hanging out.  You said it was so ugly that you had to take me shopping.  After 4 and a half years I am still not going to throw this polka-dot goodness out.

Day 366 - 366/366.  DONE!  WHEW!!! :D:D
Holy wow.  Who knew that you could get so much from taking self-portraits everyday for a year??
Starting this project I often would feel extremely uncomfortable in front of a camera.  I had little experience with cameras or any photo editing. 
I decided to end my project with a shot very similiar to my day one shot so that I could show how I have come full circle.  I am very ready to be done this.  It is amazing to look through photos from every day of my life from the last year here too. 
Thanks to everyone on here that encouraged me over throughout this project as well because sometimes it just seemed so much easier to stop stop stop. 
YAY!!!   A year of my life has passed me by, and I have learned more from it than I could have even fathomed. 

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