Sep 12, 2011 00:12
I am glad to see the end of this day...but that also means the end of the weekend. meh. o_o
Work was the usual demeaning hell, but i got more compliments on my smile and 'sparkly attitude' than ever. Go sparkles! @.@ My 9-5 job is going well but I need to work on my to-do list. Just when you think you've got good progress going *BAMM!* pre-empted by five other things that "just have to get done today and will oooonly take a few minutes". Meanwhile, the project I was supposed to finish up isn't done and the staff meeting is tomrw at 9am. Yeah. So we'll see whether I still have a 1st job tomrw night.
In the meantime, my home life has been ... trying. If it was just me, and those in my house, all would be fine. It's damn near everybody on the outside of it thats wearing me down. My crazy mom-in-law turned out to only be suffering from early dementia - whatever, she's still batshit. My oldest, my 19yr old daughter, is trying her damndest to earn on spot on the Jerry Springer show.
Gah. Whatever. It's late and I'm tired.