A long time in...a while

Feb 05, 2009 20:33

I have not updated in a while. Reason for this being? I'm still busy. Oh joy.

And my cat has just lapped from the cup of milk I set down next to my television. Okay, you're adorable, but now I have to go dump out almost a full glass of milk and get more. D|

In other news...a list of writings I'm hoping to finish by the end of spring, at least! Winter sports season at my school is done in one week, not including tomorrow: I can just taste the sweet freedom.
  • Eveningland, a Fakir/Ahiru one-shot I started through plot bunny. Ahiru gets drunk.
  • Flash Action, a Hiei/Yusuke chapter fic. Not sure how this is going to work out...? I haven't even written more than a page; it's all mostly been planning.
  • Rags. I've written more than two chapters of it, I just don't have the time + can't motivate myself to write more of it at the moment. A sheltered young man fulfills a strange wish received at his "mother's" deathbed.
  • (Title Pending), an experimental delve into G Gundam? IDK, I just had another plot bunny concerning the setting, but I don't even know what I'm going to do with the foundation.
I still have too many fandoms. A couple of other writings are on hold, as I just think I got off to a bad start with them and need a refreshed state of mind/creativity when working on them. I already have Snatcher Robin planned out from beginning to end, but that almost seems restricting somehow... :T

In other news, homework + sports requirement still kills, apparently our library no longer has librarians (they aren't fired, what the crap, but they just don't want to shh us in the library anymore [though I thought that was what they were paid to do?]), I brought Little Shop of Horrors (1989) to my friends in free period and they can't wait to watch the second half of it, and that chapter three beta of Beyond Fate is very soon, I promise promise promise.

domon is a bamf, writing, life is evil, list

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