Big O fanfic ahoy

Jul 07, 2009 17:09

Title: Secret to Success
Author: magicdragonomg
Fandom: The Big O
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Roger Smith, R. Dorothy, Roger/Dorothy if you squint
Summary: Roger muses over how his success in his current life relates to his past failure - and resurgence.
Comments: SPOILERS FOR THE ENTIRE SERIES ARE ABOUND! Written as a drabble for my Big O claim at a_to_z_prompts with the prompt "letter A: accomplishment". It's a rather simple tidbit, but Big O fanworks are hard to come by.

Just as before, they called him Paradigm City's top negotiator. In truth, he’s never been better: he’s met more successful endings to his jobs than he’s ever known. Despite this, he wonders over dinner how he could have earned such a title in the past, previous to Alex Rosewater’s attempt to play God. He remembered: he had failed his negotiations the first time, hadn’t he? That’s what happened forty years ago, if he could even call what had happened the truth. What had Gordon said? What he wrote in that book was all a lie.

He had succeeded as the Negotiator this time, and the consequences were far less dire. It took the residents six months to rebuild most of the city, as compared to several tens of years. In the wake of the rebirth of the citizens, Paradigm City was still a city of amnesia, but not for him - or Dorothy or Angel, for that matter. They would protect this place now; the only place mankind had left.

What had made him so successful this time around? He had had Big O when he failed forty years ago. What was so different?


He looked up from his scrambled eggs and watched Dorothy from the other side of the table, waiting for her to continue.

“If you were thinking any harder,” she said in her typical dull, mechanical voice, “you’d have burned a hole through your eggs.”

“Now I can’t figure out whether you really came up with that or if you’re imitating Norman.” Even though he did attempt at a teasingly critical expression as hard as he could, a smile couldn’t help but escape to his face.

He knew from who the secret of his accomplishment came from.

challenge, fanfiction, writing, the big o

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