001 ۞ video | action for gryffindors - back dated to last night

Oct 17, 2011 13:08

[When the feed clicks on there is nothing but a roaring fire to be seen as the owner of the device fiddles with the machines functions. For a moment the image zooms in and then out and then everything goes blurry again as the common room spins into view. For a second the screen is filled with the image of a dirty blond haired boy with brown eyes, ( Read more... )

hungary, axel, sakura haruno, alphonse elric, kallen kouzuki

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video; transmutates October 17 2011, 21:50:18 UTC
I'm coming, I'm coming! And when I get there, I got a question for you, Al.


video; alkahestry October 18 2011, 02:18:13 UTC
You know they take away house points if you they catch you breaking the rules, Brother.

[Though the thought is pushed to the side as he blinks and reconsiders the last part.]

I'll be in the common room then... you'd better hurry.


video → action; transmutates October 18 2011, 02:21:21 UTC
And you know I don't give a damn about stuff like that. I am hurrying!

[ With that, he turns his device off in order to give the Fat Lady the latest password so that he can push his way into the common room. Immediately, he looks around for his brother. ]


action; alkahestry October 18 2011, 02:33:28 UTC
[When he hears the complaints of rude behavior and impatience coming from the portrait on the wall as it opens, he lifts a hand to wave from the large sofa in the middle of room to let Edward know where he is. He doesn't bother looking up from the book he has his head buried in. This one is clearly marked Hogwarts A History, which was a book hardly any student bothered to read apparently.]


action; transmutates October 18 2011, 02:50:58 UTC
[ Once inside, he gives the Fat Lady a parting rude comment and pushes his way to where Al's sitting, flopping down with a huff before getting himself comfortable. After a few seconds, he shifts again, leaning forward so that as he lowers his voice, Al can still hear him. ]

Al... you wouldn't happen to know what's going on with the suits of armor, would you?


alkahestry October 18 2011, 03:12:02 UTC
[The question of course gets his attention. Moving suits of armor? Why would Edward ever think to ask him about that? Coughing into his palm he scoots a bit away from Edward and a bit more into his books. At the moment there were three of those statues running around with parts of him inside them - but Alphonse had thought he had done a good job of keeping them clear of other people.]


transmutates October 18 2011, 03:15:36 UTC
[ Well, that's a little telling. Scooting closer, Ed's expression turns a little sour. There's no getting away, little brother. It's time to have a talk. Naturally, he keeps his voice low, and he reaches out to snag the book Al's trying to hide in. ]

Did you forget how much getting hugged by a suit of armor hurts, Al? 'Cause it does. And, you shouldn't be spreading your soul 'round like that here. We don't know what the consequences of it might be.


alkahestry October 18 2011, 03:30:26 UTC
I haven't gone and hugged anyone!

[At least he doesn't think he's gone and hugged anyone, to be fair the suits were fairly hard to control when he was awake. He had a better time of it when he was sleeping and each new morning he had to transfer his soul back into new armor to start the process all over again.]

Besides... [He speaks more softly now, so as not to be heard.] we don't get to see this place at night. Other students and teachers patrol the halls and they all ignore the suits. It's like it's part of their defense system or something. I've been able to have a good look around after hours. I've even been working on a map!


transmutates October 18 2011, 03:34:08 UTC
What? You totally hugged me and you know it!

[ Huffs angrily, but settles down as Al speaks quieter. He's got a point. It'll be beneficial to them both to get a good idea of the castle's layout, but still... What if Al gets stuck? What if something happens? What if- ]

It... doesn't hurt? Are you sure it's safe? I mean... what if you get... stuck?


alkahestry October 18 2011, 03:43:35 UTC
[All he can do is laugh a bit as Edward shows concern over his ability. He shakes his head and lifts a hand to touch Edward's shoulder reassuringly.]

No, it doesn't hurt. It never has and I've been doing it since before I can even remember... scared Winry half to death the first time. It all ends eventually after a few hours, you saw that yourself and my soul traveled between worlds then.


transmutates October 18 2011, 03:46:26 UTC
[ Looks even more put out as Al tries to reassure him, though this time it's more pouting than anger. ]

A side effect of that time? I don't like it, Al.

[ Mostly because of how much he gave up to ensure Al wouldn't be stuck in armor anymore. He's a bit afraid of what could happen, especially to Al's soul. He doesn't want to lose Al again. ]


alkahestry October 18 2011, 03:52:27 UTC
It comes quite naturally... after all this, seven years is a while, and I went through quite a lot.

[Death. Soul bonding. Becoming the philosopher's stone. Death again. True resurrection. Thinking about all those things, it doesn't seem that strange at all, but he's been using the power for three years that it comes as easy as using alchemy does.]

I promise I'll stop once I finish mapping the school out.

[Of course, the school was quite large, but he wasn't going to comment on that.]


transmutates October 18 2011, 03:58:33 UTC
[ Big bro's smart enough to know that on his own, which only makes him frown a bit more. Sighing, he shakes his head. He doubts he'll convince Al to stop. His brother is just as hardheaded as him, sometimes. ]

I'm holding you to that, Al.


alkahestry October 18 2011, 05:29:16 UTC
[When it came to getting something past either of them, the other always did have a particularly hard time. Smiling softly, he gives Edward a soft nudge as he relaxes back into the sofa.]

So what were you doing anyway? If you were any later you might've lost us some points.

[And in good ole' brotherly fashion, he's turning the entire focus back on you and what you were doing Ed. Enjoy.]


transmutates October 18 2011, 05:33:20 UTC
[ Of course you are, Al. Naturally, he makes a face. ]

In the library, of course. Trying to find out as much as I can. Without alchemy, we're practically sitting ducks. There's no way I'm gonna let that happen and I'm not in the mood for waiting until classes start to learn anything.

Also had to stop by the infirmary to see if they had any bio-oil. 'Course, they don't, since no one here uses automail, but...


alkahestry October 18 2011, 06:33:21 UTC
We're not sitting ducks... we have our wands and magic at our disposal, we our wits, and we have each other.

[Shaking his head he waves off Edward's seriousness with a slight shrug. The situation could have been a lot worse, as it was, they just needed to get their bearings and a handle on their magic. They'd find their path eventually and with a bit more hard work.]

Infirmary? Hmm. Well, at least you're attempting to take care of your automail ... Winry would be happy to hear it. But what ... ?


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