I ♚ Q U I L L / V I D E O

Oct 15, 2011 17:53

[ A bold sort of cursive appears over the network. Its purpose is clear, and something about the wording suggests that the writer would be most displeased should his message be ignored. ]

Albus Dumbledore. A peculiar name, and also a man with a peculiar way of calling for aid. I find myself questioning his motives. For all his talk of "honour" and "righteous" heroes, he first steals us from our lands and then fails to indicate when we shall be be returned to our rightful homes.

Are we to abandon our true duties to fight for some unknown cause? Give up our posts to... educate young minds? Is that not the job of Maesters?

It would seem that this "Albus Dumbledore" leaves far more more questions than he provides answers.

[ However, the transmission does not end with the writing. Rather, it would appear that the writer in question is unfamiliar with his device. He looks directly at the feed, grinding his teeth as he attempts to figure out what exactly he did wrong.

He would not suffer this humiliation. ]

The Others take this infernal-

[ Though, what exactly the Others should take, Hogwarts will never know, because it would appear he figured out how to end the transmission. ]

stannis baratheon, melisandre, alayne stone, severus snape

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