☾ 01 ☽ Video/ Quill / Action in Gryffindor Dorm then Common Room

Dec 16, 2011 02:46

[ By the time Minato finally sits on the trunk at the foot of his bed to take a good look at the Commuter, he's already read over the letter two or three times and carefully picked through the contents of the chest - not to mention, of course, the requisite staring around the room and down at himself (and oh look, yet another new school uniform) in ( Read more... )

minato arisato, minako aino

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[video] stubborn_throes December 17 2011, 01:37:41 UTC
[There is now a girl on your screen. She holds up a wand towards a blank sheet of paper. Her lips mumble and short, unintelligible incantation and fire begins to spill out of the tip of the wand like mollasses.

The fire ignites the paper, and it quickly is singed down into nonexistence.

She smirks.]

This kind of witchcraft and wizardry.


[video] bluecurtains December 17 2011, 02:04:57 UTC
[He watches this quietly, and once the paper has burned and the girl has spoken, he nods, curious but not particularly startled by the magic.]

I see. [A short glance to the side at his wand sitting beside him as he contemplates both what he just saw and what he'd been told via quill not long before. Then he looks back to this girl.] ... what was that spell?


[video] stubborn_throes December 17 2011, 03:21:57 UTC
It's referred to as "Incendio." [She waves her wand a bit theatrically in confident silence. While otherwise a totally embarrassing, self-indulgent action...When in Hogwarts...]

I wouldn't recommend it as your first foray into the egregious world of spellcraft, lest you accidentally light Gryffindor up in flames. [The girl cups her chin for but a moment.] Not that anyone from my house would particularly mind...

[And then another wave of her and, this time much more mundane.]
Regardless, whatever form of the arcane you're used to, this is not it, and it takes a bit of getting used to.


[video] bluecurtains December 17 2011, 03:38:40 UTC
Incendio. [He repeats it softly to cement it in his memory, but then he nods.] No, setting this place on fire wouldn't make for a good start.

But -- your house?

[ And another nod, this one accompanied by a sigh. ]
I suppose it does. Can you recommend a good place to start for familiarizing myself with it? [After all, if the letter is anything to go by, being prepared seems the best route at this point.]


[video] stubborn_throes December 17 2011, 04:15:01 UTC
Slytherin. [She motions to her green scarf around her neck, the familiar Snake embroidered into it.]

We've a rather tense rivalry with you Gryffindor, not that I hold much regard for the struggle, but it's noteworthy nonetheless.

Seeing as you've been drafted during our winter break, you won't have the privilege of your classes to prime you on the basics right off the bat.
However, I have a few beginner's texts I'd be willing to lend if you're looking for some insight.


[video] bluecurtains December 17 2011, 04:44:52 UTC
I see. Are all the dormitories here in rivalries of some sort? [Mental notes are taken!]

[But then some blinking.] It's winter here? ... what's the date?
And I think there were a few textbooks in the trunk by my bed, but if you have others, I would be quite grateful to borrow them for a little while.


[video] stubborn_throes December 17 2011, 04:55:53 UTC
Sort of.
There's the House Cup, which is an award given to the the house with the highest amount of points at the end of the year. A convoluted system tracking behavioral discrepancies of students as well as achievement determines the winner; therefore there is always a bit of competition between houses, but Slytherin and Gyffindor are the only two that would be considered cut-throat.

The sixteenth of December, if you follow the same calender back home as I do.
["If you have others" oh boy does she have others. Portions of the library sit humbly beneath her bed, nary a page having gone unturned. Texts issues by professors, texts taken from the library, and texts that she most certainly is not supposed to be in possession of.
Unfortunately, you'll be offered the boring type.]
As for the books, I have something a little less...pedestrian as far as dipping your toes into the arcane waters goes.


[video] bluecurtains December 17 2011, 05:25:48 UTC
Hm. I will keep that in mind, though that sounds like something of a bother. [But every school has its idiosyncrasies. He should know, since this makes the eleventh school he's attended in as many years.]

Of what year? [Because he honestly has no idea if he's been pulled through time or if he was just -- gone that long. Besides, knowing the year is important for days of the week and phases of the moon.]

Oh? Well, then I would be grateful to borrow them, then. [It's less that he likes books and more that he just likes knowing things, and he'll settle for the boring type... for now.]


Re: [video] stubborn_throes December 17 2011, 05:44:12 UTC
[A slight shrug, she'd have to agree with you there, stranger.]

It's the year 1996.
...Not that that should be an especially jarring revelation, seeing as us Magic Draft come from completely separate realities, so the date here doesn't correspond with whenever or wherever you're from.

[Tucking a lock of blond hair behind her ear, the young girl looks thoughtful for a moment before dissipating into a sort of listlessness.] I could bring them to your dorm, if you'd like. That is, after I learn the mysterious identity of my cerulean colleague here.


[video] bluecurtains December 17 2011, 06:00:35 UTC
Hm. No. It's just... useful to know. If this place is much like home, it gives a bit of context.

Oh! [Looking a bit chagrined, he gives her an apologetic sort of half-smile.] I'm sorry. My name is Minato Arisato. And I would like that. Thank you.


[video] stubborn_throes December 17 2011, 06:17:43 UTC
A variation of Earth, I assume? [Her face looks for an answer, but she quickly snaps out of his and waves her question off.]

Nice to meet you, Minato. I'm Rose. Lalonde.
We can talk more in a few minutes. [A brief, curt upwards pull on her lips; the most vague a smile could possibly be as she shuts off the device and heads to his dorm.


Later, when Rose shows up in the Gryffindor dorms, she looks a bit less...flourished. Her scarf has been abandoned as testified by her bare neck. Sleeves have been rebellious rolled up to her elbows, accentuating just how lithe her young arms are, one of which clutches a large tome to her side. Her small, young appearance is certainly not as grand as her speech would have you believe, though her body is not without a sophisticated poise.
Upon spotting Minato, she presents a simple wave.]



[action] bluecurtains December 17 2011, 06:41:30 UTC
[He nods to her first question and mumbles a 'nice to meet you too' before she clicks off. In the meantime, he goes to the common room and gets to know it a little, and when Rose shows up, he's watching one of the pictures on the wall.

But when he sees her wave out of the corner of his eye, he turns to face her, pulling one hand out of his pocket to wave back. He's slouching a little, and he's quick to return his hand to his pocket. Good posture is something he rarely bothers with. ]

Hello. Thank you for coming.

[And then his eyes slide curiously to the large book.]


[action] stubborn_throes December 17 2011, 07:02:29 UTC
You seem to be acclimating fairly well. [Rose tosses the book down to the nearest table because jegus these things are heavy. Honestly she would have been better off levitating it.]

As I was saying...You're from earth, aren't you?


[action] bluecurtains December 17 2011, 07:17:49 UTC
[It's his turn to give a shrug.] I've -- transferred schools a lot in the past. This is just another place to get used to.

[ He steps closer to the table, still eyeing the book, though he looks up at Rose again and nods.] Yes. I take it you are, as well?


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