「ᴢᴡᴇɪ ۞ ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ - post-lunch break 」

Nov 07, 2011 20:05

[ The video comes on as the device is jostled, showing a whirling and brief view of the infirmary before it settles (in a very awkward angle) on Ed and Madam Pomfrey, the woman in charge of the castle's medical ward. Irritation is vivid in Ed's features, whereas worry and frustration are etched in Pomfrey's. They seem to be arguing over something. ]

I told you! No way, lady, it's not happening!

[ Again, the video shifts as Ed pushes the magical "journal" onto a table near the bed he's currently sitting on. From here, it's even easier to see Ed, revealing a gleam of metal. Ed's only dressed from the waste down, showing chiseled abs one wouldn't expect on someone of his height, and maybe more surprising than that, a completely metal arm. His entire right arm is gone, replaced by sleek, shining chrome and steel that glints in the afternoon sun that streams in through the castle's high windows. His left hand, still flesh and blood, rests on his right shoulder as he glares briefly at Pomfrey. ]

All I want is some bio-grease! I'm not drinking any stupid potion!

Mister Elric! [ Pomfrey huffs, hands placed squarely on her hips. ] We have spells and potions that would work far better than... than... whatever that is! And far healthier too!

You're lucky my mechanic's not here. She'd be pretty pissed off hearing that.

[ Rolling his eyes and giving an annoyed huff of his own, Ed looks towards his device, apparently fully aware that it's on. ]

Al, where are you? You gotta help me out here. Would someone get this old broad off my back?

edward elric, lelouch vi britannia, tieria erde, kallen kouzuki

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