Title: Sensational!
Rating: PG
Pairing/Characters: ND, WMHS staff, WMHS students
Warning: General Spoilers
Summary: New Directions post all of their hilariously bad original songs on YouTube and become internet sensations. These are related messages.
Author's Note: Based on
this prompt at the Glee Fluff Meme
Part 1 is here From: Artie
I've uploaded your song.
From: Sam
Thanks dude
Doctor, Doctor
Uploaded by NDOriginals on 21 July 2011
Doctor, Doctor by Sam Evans
Doctor, Doctor, can you help me?
There's all these daleks that I can see
They're gonna exterminate us all
We gotta run before we fall
Doctor, Doctor basically run
Being your companion would be fun
I want to fight loads of cybermen
And watch a spaceship crash into Big Ben
Doctor, Doctor, I need to escape my life
With all this trouble and strife
Like River, Sarah, Jack, the Ponds
Donna, Martha, Ace and all those blondes
Doctor, Doctor, can I bring Mercedes?
And please don't answer my questions with maybes
I just want you to see how badass I can be
There's so much your adventures can do for me
From: Artie
Figgins sent me a message on youtube asking us to perform my cup in an assembly. I said I'd dicuss it with
you guys.
From: Mercedes
figgins has a youtube?
From: Tina
He didn't notice the innuendo? This will probably result in another sex riot.
Quinn Fabray> Sam Evans You do know that Mercedes doesn't rhyme with maybes, right?
Finn Hudson likes this
Sam Evans Mercedes wasn't in the rhyming dictionary.
Quinn Fabray Why did you mention her anyway?
Rachel Berry Since 'Get it Right' I can't seem to repeat the ironic sucess
of 'My Headband' or 'Only Child' :(
Santana Lopez I know what you mean, I haven't been able to write
anything as epic or as heterosexual as Trouty Mouth.
Santana Lopez I mean sexual
From: blainea@dalton-warbler.net
To: artierobot@email.com; goldstars@berry.net; finnthing@dotmail.com; brittany@wmhs.com;
funnygoth@email.com; otherasian@email.com; mrfashionista@dotmail.com; diva14@email.com;
samiam@email.com; ipuckurmom@email.com; wrestlerchick@dmail.com; skysplits@dotmail.com;
Attachment: Always.doc
Subject: New Song
I've written a song one of you could sing for NDOriginals (the music and lyrics are attached). If you want to
keep it just New Directions people then you can say that the song is by one of you guys.
From: artierobot@email.com
To: blainea@dalton-warblers.net
Subject: Re: New Song
This is too good to be posted on our channel, we only post really awful songs. Sorry Blaine.
From: blainea@dalton-warbler.net
To: artierobot@email.com
Subject: Re: New Song
If I transfer to McKinley and join ND will you consider uploading one of my songs?
From: artierobot@email.com
To: blainea@dalton-warblers.net
Subject: Re: New Song
It's not you, it's the song.
From: funnygoth@email.com
To: artierobot@email.com; goldstars@berry.net; finnthing@dotmail.com; brittany@wmhs.com;
otherasian@email.com; mrfashionista@dotmail.com; diva14@email.com; samiam@email.com;
ipuckurmom@email.com; wrestlerchick@dmail.com; skysplits@dotmail.com; hbic@dotmail.com
Subject: NDOriginals tumblr
Someone created a tumblr for us!
ndoriginalsfans reblogged troutymouths
Favourite member of NDOriginals, go!
Sam - a cute nerd with an awesome mouth!
The hottest of them all: Kurt!
Santana.... just Santana
From: finnthing@dotmail.com
To: artierobot@email.com; goldstars@berry.net; brittany@wmhs.com; otherasian@email.com;
mrfashionista@dotmail.com; diva14@email.com; samiam@email.com; ipuckurmom@email.com;
wrestlerchick@dmail.com; skysplits@dotmail.com; hbic@dotmail.com; funnygoth@email.com
Subject: NDOriginals is going to far!
They're subjectifying all of us!
From: goldstars@berry.net
To: finnthing@dotmail.com; artierobot@email.com; brittany@wmhs.com; otherasian@email.com;
mrfashionista@dotmail.com; diva14@email.com; samiam@email.com; ipuckurmom@email.com;
wrestlerchick@dmail.com; skysplits@dotmail.com; hbic@dotmail.com; funnygoth@email.com
Subject: Re: NDOriginals is going to far!
It's objectifying.
From: hbic@dotmail.com
To: finnthing@dotmail.com; goldstars@berry.net; artierobot@email.com; brittany@wmhs.com;
otherasian@email.com; mrfashionista@dotmail.com; diva14@email.com; samiam@email.com;
ipuckurmom@email.com; wrestlerchick@dmail.com; skysplits@dotmail.com; funnygoth@email.com
Subject: Re: NDOriginals is going to far!
What's wrong with you? People think we're hot!
My Gay Boyfriend
Uploaded by NDOriginals on 24 July 2011
This is Rachel Berry here, perfoming I song I wrote shortly after My Headband :)
My Gay Boyfriend by Rachel Berry, featuring Brittany Pierce and Santana Lopez
We were at my party
Getting drunk with Artie
(Spin the bottle, oh, spin the bottle)
We kissed, you were confused
(Rachel Berry confuses gay men)
You thought you were bi
And you didn't lie
When realised you were really gay
(Oh so gay, really very gay)
It was such a shame
(What a shame)
We both like musicals, we both want fame
Sadly, we're too much the same
(They both like men)
Rachel and Blaine makes Raine
Our musical chemistry was insane
(Think of the duets)
And now I'm alone but I won't moan
(It's for the best, all for the best)
'Cause I have a new gay friend