A flurry of ..... POSTING!!!

Jan 11, 2005 22:37

And now I post some more, for I have been posting like a fiend today!! Heck, I don't even know what I posted last so I shall talk about my past week. A week, I might add, of work. Wed, Thurs, Fri, last week, I worked. Fri night I went bowling with Freinds Bhavin, Riken, and Adam. Later In the night, I met up with Eileen, and met her friend Josh, and for those of you who know her, NOT her ex-boyfriend Josh. After that, I got home at about, oh, I dunno, 3ish, and asleep at 3:45ish. then I got up at 7 and got my ass to Craigs, and then proceeded to drive to Maryland. I am INSANE!!! So after arriving I played far too much DDR, had something to eat (at a nice restaraunt)and collapsed after arriving back at Jen's house. I woke up in time to go to bed, and then spoke to Eileen on the phone for hmmm.... 2 hrs or a little more. A wonderful conversation, but I am afraid I can't quite remember all of it. Or much of it. But I remember I liked it and it made me feel good. Onto the next day, where I drove Craig and I home and then went to see Eileen, at about 11:30ish. I felt good having gotten to see her. Then on to home, a smidgen of sleep and then work on Mon. Then My father irritating me that night. After going to the UNH and getting some stuff taken care of I drove home. After nearly falling asleep 4 times on the way home, my father had me split firewood, start a fire, and then go out and pick up pizza and wine for him!!! Well, he didn't MAKE me, but he wouldn't have done it if I didn't and I would have been cold AND hungry AND tired. And I told him before this that I had nearly fell asleep while driving. Sometimes parents are the most irritating thing in the world. And today I was irritated again by my father. The incident does not bear repeating. But anyway, after work I had to drive home (with Eileen, *YAY*) and get keys, gor back to UNH and get into my room ro drop off a binder so that I could get a grade in a class, and hopefully make de dean's list. I hope. Which means, I guess that me grades are good. I also finished the third book that Eileen lent me. I will post more later, Right now, I must get offline explanations will ensue.
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