All right, friends with computers, just a heads up: there's a worm making its' way around disguised in e-mail and on a web page again. It's one that was around last year, the storm worm - it's a Trojan, it infects your computer, uses your e-mail client to send out copies of itself, and then basically sits around and waits until someone uses it again, either to get into your system or to use your computer to launch DDOS attacks. It brought down the internet in the entire country of Estonia last year.
So, if your friend sends you an e-mail with a link in it, check with them first before you click on it. If it leads to an address that's numbers instead of letters (ie: then don't go there. Anti-virus software doesn't always catch this thing, so be careful. And keep your anti-virus software updated: this means you Byron Watts.
So, it's been a fun day for me. It's always fun and exciting when an entire office building gets the worm because of one single, stupid employee.