Email to James

Mar 02, 2009 11:52

To James Carlise []
From: Andrew Longbottom []
Re: Bachelor Party guests

Hello James!

I'm sorry for my little breakdown before. I guess I shouldn't have waited so long to confront you, that's a problem I have. Anyway, I know things will work out. Brothers fight but they always end up okay, right? For better or for worse, we're always going to be brothers.

Anyway, here's a list of men and their contact info to invite.

You (obviously)
Adrian Grier (other best man)
Remus Weasley (other best man)
Isabelle Rosier (the only girl. She might not want to come but we're inviting her anyway)
Phil Dawson
Clifford Rice (Everyone just calls him Rice)
Jay Essman
Tim Kellan (Jay's boyfriend)
Lou (I don't know his last name. He's Isa's bloke, and she'd have his contact information)
Joey Dutton
Adam Faulkner
Shawn Spencer
Remy Lebeau
Dan Cunningham (My Uncle Dan)
Anyone else you think you ought to invite. Ava's brother would be welcome for example.
I'd love to include Ryan King in some way since he's pretty much my little brother. Joey is also not 21 yet, so maybe if we had some kind of pre-party before we brought in the adult stuff, where they could hang out with us? Ryan would love Joey, so I wouldn't be worried about them hanging out for the night if they were to crash at our house for the night after we do the adult stuff. We'd have to talk to Saxcise about it of course. I don't know if it would be better to have a smaller group? I don't know. I hope you're having fun and I can't wait to see you!


lads, wedding, james

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