The Dark Fire Verse: In this verse, Natalia helped the wizarding world in their fight against Voldemort. During this time, she fell in love and eventually married Hermione Granger. Along with Remus Lupin, they are the parents of a toddler named Dannika (Dannie). After the attacks on the Sanctuaries, Natalia came to the Old City Sanctuary with her family to help with rebuilding of the Network. (Played with
hermionesmagic and
The Hunters Verse: In this verse, Natalia has just met Angel in Los Angeles and has moved into the hotel with him. (Played with
The Triskelion Verse: In this verse, Natalia works at the UK Sanctuary. She has feelings for Wesley Wyndam-Pryce and the two are slowly starting a relationship. (Played with
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