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lotus_flame July 12 2009, 19:57:38 UTC
To Wendy, nothing said "Welcome back to Hogwarts" like sneaking through the castle halls in the dead of night. She let out a muffled a curse as a book almost went tumbling from the heavy load in her arms - even though she caught it before she hit the floor, she saw someone in the corner of her eyes whip around at the motion. The nymphs being chased in the tapestry giggled at her clumsiness, and she gave them the finger before she turned back to the mystery person.

She let out a little sigh of relief when she saw who it was. "Wotcher, Remy," she said in a whisper.

Of the infamous Gryffindor quartet of James, Potter, Lupin, and Pettigrew, Remus was her favourite - even after their awkward, disastrous attempt at dating in fifth year had gone all pear-shaped after only a few weeks. They'd parted friends though, and Wendy kept an eye out for him especially, since Remus seemed to be yet another Cleopatra (Queen of Denial - if Evans hadn't already claimed that crown for herself) who was so damn smart when it came to school and all that, but so bloody clueless when it came to his own relationships.

She saw Remus looking at the books she was carrying and said, airily, "Don't mind me, I just been rifling through the library for some night-time reading material. Definitely not from the Restricted Section. Don't tell Evans, will you? She still has a heart attack every time she realises I can read."


rjlesq July 12 2009, 20:19:10 UTC
Remus nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard something thud down beside him. Whipping around he saw Wendy Tang with a precarious load of books in her arms.

"Wotcher, Remy." He winced slightly at the nickname he had always hated. She had called him that last year as well, during their truly horrible few weeks as a couple. He still didn't quite know what had possesed him to ask her out. Maybe it was something to do with her glossy black hair and devil-may-care attitude... He quickly fled from that train of thought.

"Oh! Um, Hi. Wendy."

He glanced at the towering pile of books in her arms.

"Don't mind me, I've just been rifling through the library for some night-time reading material. Definitely not from the Restricted Section. Don't tell Evans, will you? She still has a heart attack every time she realises I can read."

"Oh, no, of course I wouldn't tell her." He always felt just slightly awkward around Wendy. Well, he felt slightly awkward around everyone really, but Wendy a little more so than most. Probably because, even after two weeks of 'dating', he had still failed to kiss her, despite her obvious hints. It made him feel like a clod. "And, uh, I won't say anything about the restricted section." He managed a tight smile. "I'd help you carry them but, uh, I'm, uh, waiting for someone. To do, not illegal things with." He managed to close his mouth before he really put his foot in it. He liked Wendy, he really did, but she never failed to turn him into a stuttering idiot.

He carefully placed the book she had dropped on top of the larger pile in her arms.


lotus_flame July 12 2009, 21:35:54 UTC
Wendy couldn't help grinning at the look on Remus' face - as if he he wished the flagstones would open up and just swallow him whole. He was just so endearingly awkward, especially the first time he asked her out, when he stuttered so much that she mistakenly thought he was asking her about the score for the latest Holyhead Harpies game.

"I'd help you carry them but uh, I'm, uh, waiting for someone. To do, not illegal things with," Remus managed to stammer, as he helped her with her books. She was such a sucker for the nice guys, especially ones who treated books with as much love and respect as Remus did. Wendy had to squash the urge to tease him mercilessly about the "not illegal things with" part of his last sentence; making a comment about Black right now would probably send Remus to pieces. The poor boy looked even more jittery than usual, which was saying a lot for him.

She tilted her head to the side as she looked at him, hoisting up her stolen goods a little higher. "Everything peachy, Remy? You look a little like your head might explode. Just the tiniest smidge."

Ten to one, she thought, it had something to do with Black. You didn't need to be a seer to see that.


rjlesq July 13 2009, 02:30:52 UTC
"Everythings fine! Yes! Lovely." He cursed himself inwardly. Lovely? Smooth Remus. Sirius would be so proud...

oh God, don't think about Sirius right now...

"Why wouldn't it be?"

Did my voice just squeak? I am so hopeless.

"Well, I, uh, wouldn't want to keep you from your... Books. Wonderful things really, books. I quite like them." He mananged not to glance around wildly. If only James would show up and save him from his own awkwardness...


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