Dec 11, 2011 00:41

OOC Information;
Name; Tara
Personal Journal; klevar
PLURK → castalia
MSN → sehnsucht@live.jp
Other Characters; N/A

IC Information;
Character Name; Trucy Wright
Canon; Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (brief synopsis and background of game can be found here and trucy's history can be found here)
Canon Point; Post-game
Age; 15
House; House of Loki; though Trucy certainly has her pensive and sober streaks, she is largely a mischievous young magicienne
Power; Telekinesis
Personality; (~570 words)

At first glance, Trucy Wright is a naïve, cutesy gal-(indeed, Plum Kitaki says to her at one point, “You’re cute. Naïve, but cute”)-but at her very core, she is multi-faceted and deeply complex.

Where she is seen, Trucy is almost always upbeat, chipper, and optimistic. She unquestionably serves as a foil for the pragmatic, pessimistic Apollo. Enthusiastic for her trade and passionate about life and people in general, Trucy’s radiance is amusing and often endearing to even the most hard-boiled of characters. Her talent for magic has won her many fans; indeed, she says early on in the game, “…My magic panties! It’s one of my best tricks. They love them over at the Wonder Bar. I do shows there nightly.”

Being the (adopted) daughter of a former defense lawyer and the assistant of a current attorney, Trucy is extremely curious and intuitive, always striving to discover the truth-indeed, it is her namesake. Where Apollo hesitates during investigations, she constantly presses further, never ceasing to question and analyze the circumstances and course of events of an overarching incident. In the game’s third case, when the duo is investigating a piano, Apollo says, “Don’t touch that!” to which Trucy replies, “A healthy curiosity is the key to a good investigation!”; this effectively summarizes Trucy’s approach to such matters. Similarly, a sense of childish bravery and fearlessness accompanies this curiosity-for example, in the game’s second case, she is more than happy and willing to question and converse with the notorious Kitaki crime family, whereas Apollo, the attorney she works alongside, is far less eager and brave enough to do so. In the same case, Apollo notes during the court segment, “[Trucy’s] flipped this whole case on its head while I was still figuring it out!” Indeed, Trucy is often capable of altering the course of events through either sheer perception or-as a budding magician-actual sleight of hand.

In terms of social matters, Trucy is a tad oblivious; for example, she sees no shame in loudly, frankly, and publicly discussing the matter of Apollo having a talent for finding lost panties. However, Trucy has little difficulty in getting along with just about anyone, due in part to this specific kind of innocence.

Trucy’s most important relationships, however, are hands down those with her adoptive father, Phoenix Wright, and her partner, (and, unbeknownst to her, half-brother) Apollo Justice. After being abandoned by her mother, growing up with her biological father for the first eight years of her life, and shortly thereafter losing him as well, Trucy’s relationship with Phoenix is of utmost importance to her. Phoenix explains that Trucy conceals a great deal of sadness inside of her, largely due to the functional loss of her biological parents, and she has yearned for a mother figure in her life. However, she is deeply devoted to Phoenix; even though she is aware of his flaws, she unwaveringly supports him in every way.

Though to a lesser extent, Trucy maintains a very strong relationship with Apollo. They complement each other in many ways-where Trucy experiences flights of fancy, Apollo offers a realistic point of view, and where Apollo views the world through grey-colored glasses, Trucy offers a dose of optimism. Both are significantly emotionally invested in one another-indeed, their relationship is sibling-like is most ways, despite their unawareness of their true relationship as actual siblings.


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