
Jan 22, 2009 10:48

dear chilly january,
thank you for the promise of warmer weather, though i'd love to go sledding.

so i'm feeling good that i've atleast:

-submitted all forms & essays to pittsburgh public for subbing
-submitted all forms to paeducator for interested districts to read about me
-submitted forms to PUCS (private christian skool in wilkinsburg) for subbing
-1/2 completed online app w/ hampton area schools (it's REALLY long ;))
-been in touch w/ north hills for subbing (just waiting on them to send me my packet!)

looking for work, even just subbing work brings about my great moral conflict about education.  since i have NO experience (besides student teaching), it's SO tempting to desire the suburban districts but i LIKE the idea of not having to travel more than 30 min. to get to school, and investing myself CAREER-wise in the city...realizing there may be a few "bumpy" years of adjustment for me in learning how to handle my classroom.

i'm so antsy when i don't have to get up and go in the morn. i do appreciate my small class of loud 2nd graders @ pittsburgh project, but the hours are just so strange...not going in until 2:30...and keeping them on task after they've been in school all's so tedious...and the art of being an elementary teacher doesn't come NATURALLY to me...i'm much more naturally sarcastic, that's why i enjoyed my eigth graders...but i must say, i was a pretty good actor yesterday...we acted out Moses receiving the 10 commandments and, other than Tre laying on the ground like a fish out of water, I think it went pretty well ;) mostly b/c i let my typically-worst-behaved student play the part of God ;)

i'm still trying to figure out what I'm CALLED to do...and this is hard.  i know i enjoy my interaction w/ young people, i know i care passionately about education, i know i enjoy teaching social studies content (when it's in the realm of History) b/c it's fun to see the kids light up and discover the idiosyncracies of their past...but i'm so quick to second-guess my abilities...i have a very supportive husband who encourages me to try all things before being so 'deterministic' about my future...and who knows, maybe i'll be teaching something VERY different next fall if that's what I'm to be doing...ahhh, the future.

happiness right now is:
pancake breakfast with stephen, latenight TV, reading in bed, coffee till 11am, homemade scones (thank you gav!), and chocolate soymilk
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