Jun 10, 2008 16:06
since i don't want to start anything right this minute b/c i'm tired and sweaty...i thought i'd post
i'm soooo anxious to be done w/ academics for awhile! i only have class tomorrow, my final on thursday, and my teacher test on the history of the whole world from the beginning of time ;) on saturday! then i'm FREE until august 25 when i set foot in the classroom!
my summer goals:
-print some of my zine
-redo path in garden/landscape back garden/GARDEN in general
-organize more food sharing w/ community (baking/freezing/shopping/etc.)
-better equip my bike (tire kit, headlight, emergency pump, rain stuff)
-get my act together and bike to Highland Park ATLEAST once a wk.
-get to chicago w/ mona
-organize school stuff/clean out CRAP!
-get to cottage
summer reading:
-finish Sophie Scholl
-Guns, Germs & Steel
-Poisonwood Bible
Okay, gotta go shower and get some food cooked. Despite the oppressive heat, I do enjoy that it's stooping season and that I just had a HUGE slice of watermelon on my-ish stoop AND that I was able to overcome the weeds and my fear of the neighbor dog to get a load hung outside on the line to dry....yeah using the sun!
I'm so happy to be close to done...I'm so happy to get out of this funk in my head...